Not so much @mohawk warrior ,im more into earrrrlllll but i do when i run out,,like this week..been smashing some auto Wappa,AU,AM,Blue Dream..Always have plenty of DIH ans Scissor Hash..Tho.....
i was kidnaped by a kebab.
[HASHTAG]#showusyertea[/HASHTAG] and a sporty pink hashtay.and as you cant get a large now in coffee shops its gone all trendy its a tall.
gota supply the rockets yourself,but you can pucker up to my avatar if it helps.
fav smoke and why ? whats in the seed stash that you lookin forward to growing ?
what going on here @Rebel you got to [HASHTAG]#givememykeysback[/HASHTAG] mossy told me you had them I know I was drunk last night so I could not drive but why were there slices of pizza taped to my feet?
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