New Grower Auto Spanish Diesel First Journal! Day 17.

Jan 2, 2015
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Welcome! Thank you for joining me.

This is mostly for my reference, and yours, if you happen to be following along!

A little background.

Strain: Auto Spanish Diesel

Grow Medium: FFOF with MG Perlite 4:1 Ratio. Also have a layer of river stones at the bottom of the pot.
I now realize why my leaves were getting burnt from my intro thread. VERY HOT. lol too much shit in my soil.

Room/Cab: I just finished cleaning out a nice insulated back room!! Pretty excited about that. So I have a cabinet inside said room that measures 13.5" x 16 " x 34" lined in mylar.

Lighting: Right now cab is equipped with 6 26w CFL 6500k and 2 13w CFL 6500k

I don't really know what is used to determine day one so I figured the bean popped from the soil December 18th. That is my Day 1.

Today is January 4th. Welcome to day 17!

Got a couple pics to follow.


PS. Please stay tuned. I will try to update this journal regularly. This is going to be fun :drool:
IMAG0032[1].jpgIMAG0033[1].jpgIMAG0034[1].jpgshe just seems to grow outward. will not grow upward...
Day 18.

Quick question about temps.

Humidity is hovering around 65-70% is this good?

Temps are hovering around 65* with a low of 64* at night is this not good?

Still lookin good IMHO but I don't have much to go off of. This is the furthest I've ever gone. LOL.
My 2 cents...

65-70% RH is too high, especially considering it will increase with larger plants transpiring more
moisture in an enclosed space.

65º is too cold.

I've read that wheelhouse for veg is 75º-85º and for Bloom, it's slightly lower at 70º-80º
Temps are fine. Humitiy ]bring it down to around 50% especially durning late flower to advoid mold issues. a lot of plants I've grown have grown outward first then upward so that ok. I do see yellowing are u feeding already? If not do you know your soil ph?
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I haven't been feeding. I had another thread up in the intro section and we had discussed it. I wasn't too sure exactly what I should do and didn't want to make any quick decisions. I decided to go get some good water from the store since honestly I can't even drink the bullshit tap in my house so idk why I thought my baby could. I haven't had any more yellowing tips however it just seems to be when the leaves mature. Is that normal? I know yellowing isn't BUT will the others also yellow as they mature.
I determined my soil is a lil hot hovering around 5.8-9 or so.
okay so my temps are not going up too much. i'm going to the store later, however, this room is very small. any suggestions as to what i should use to heat this small space. its a utility closet big enough to fit 3 people comfortably if that gives any info without having to measure. i'm thinking just a space heater put on a timer so that it isn't constantly heating the room because that might be disaster.
okay so my temps are not going up too much. i'm going to the store later, however, this room is very small. any suggestions as to what i should use to heat this small space. its a utility closet big enough to fit 3 people comfortably if that gives any info without having to measure. i'm thinking just a space heater put on a timer so that it isn't constantly heating the room because that might be disaster.

Use more light to heat up your room, get a HPS or more CFLs.
the only problem is the room is off of the house. That means no heat whatsoever coming from the house. also i read hps use a lot of energy. i'm trying to go as low budget as possible. having prior knowledge of growing other things i honestly do not want to leave my lights running 24/7 simply because in my mind I tell myself that is not what a plant needs. itd be different if the room actually maintained temp at night when the lights go down but sad part is it does not xP