Auto Skunk showing some weird symptoms on lower leafs turning yellow and dying.

May 30, 2017
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Currently Smoking
Hi I have a grow log going on but needed to post this here for some advice. My plant is currently in preflower with many bud sites now showing up and is around 30 days old or so. I have noticed the lower fan leafs started turning blotchy in colour to a very light green blotchy cameo sort of look and then to yellow with the outer edges now browning and dying off. The plant hadn't had any nutrients for the last 3 waters as the last nutrients at 250ml per litre (organic canna vega) gave some light nute burns to the newer leafs. I have since, after discovering this issue, fed the plant 250ml veg and 250ml floral nutrients and then 1ml per litre of cal/mag to see if this was the issue. The leafs affected seem to still be turning brown slowly though it only seems to be affecting the bottom nodes or near enough. Hope you can help.
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I wouldn't worry unless it starts spreading up the plant.It's quite normal for the very bottom leaves to yellow after awhile because they barely get any or no light and are just worn out having done there job being the first leaves to get the plant established.Just remove the bad leaves but if it gets any worse let us no.
Hi @namvet25 the problem is starting to rise up the plant. I watered plain water on friday and today some of the fan leafs 2 nodes up are starting to go pale in blotches as can be seen vaguely in the pics. I am really worried what could this be? The soil is canna professional soil and my nutrients are canna bio vega and canna bio flores with shogun calmag. Its on day 32 and getting plenty of bud sites around the plant currently though I cannot see why my leafs are starting to die. I can only test ph with the liquid solution, the soil sample tests at around 6.5 - 7.2 and the nutrients in water test at 6.5 ph while the water tests at 7.2 ph. But the soil is ph buffered.

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:toke: 'Mich -- I have to clarify, that dosage mentioned above, it's a typo-- right? :eek1: 250ml/L? :hothot: They'd be dead! ..... Anyway, Nammy is right, but since it's progressing, it's showing to be a deficiency,... best I can tell in those pics is a mild Mg defc. starting,.. it follows, as that's what the other leaves were showing mainly,... That Ca-Mg product, is it Buffer Agent? It may not be the right stuff for growing,.. it's used to buffer coco Ca/Mg CEC properties,... read up on it and see if it's meant as a regular supplement as well,...
Oops I meant 0.250ml lol. The shogun calmag is a general additive nutrient according to the product. Here is what it says on the bottle.
  • Highly refined Calcium and Magnesium Source for your plants
  • Also contains Iron – another often deficient micro element
  • Improves translocation of nutrients
  • Balance nutrient solutions to facilitate higher Potassium and Phosphorous uptake and use
  • Facilitates many key plant functions including the production of Chlorophyll
I have pumped 1.3ml per 1.5 litre of water today. I am also noticing a lot of the stems turning a purple colour to boot. The leafs are showing this deficiency now even high up on the main cola closer to the light. A lighter green look appearing over the leaf with some looking more uniform and some starting from the edges etc. The older leafs I originally posted are showing total yellowing with brown tips though some have green veins still.
i figured,.. but 0.25ml, that's almost nothing mate, small wonder they're starting to show some defc.'s! ... what strain is this, and is it known for coloring up? Purple petioles can be early P defc. signs, but just as often, it's a normal expression of color,.... start up'ing the feeds mate, many auto's can take at or near full strength of milder NPK number nute's,...
@Waira its a sensei skunk. The nutrients are organic bio vega and bio flores from canna. I watered it a good amount of water yesterday with some of the calmag in worry so cannot as of today add more nutrients or could I? The last dose I gave before it started yellowing more like this was 0.250ml vega and 0.250ml flores in 1.5 litres of water. Though it is still on its yellowing spree today with some of the leafs having turned slightly lighter uniformly now. PH of feed is 6.5 once added to water and soil ph runoff seems to be around 6 - 6.5 though it is meant to be buffered. The calmag is around 7.2 or so in ph. Will this now effect its bud growth dramatically, whatever the problem is?
It´s maybe burned from Vetilation. Looks harmles to me.
..she's eating her fan leaves, using what mobile nutrient elements she can,... looking at Biocanna, up to 2ml/L is OK, so again, at 0.25ml/L you're running too weak,... over time, this leaves her with little reserves, and now it's catching up! Feed her more,... organics will take longer too get in there too, so it'll be days to react,...
The soil is still damp after watering her a large amount of water 3 days ago but thought stuff it I will feed her 1.2 litres of water with 2ml of bio flores and 0.5 of vega for a good boost. I probably have over watered her a little now but I rather the nutrients be in the soil than eat herself to death haha. I have a fan pointed at the soil to help dry it out quicker and its in a fabric airpot so should help a little. I reckon it will take at least 4 days to get dry enough now before a good calmag feed again, then another few before I feed a strait 2.25 ml of flores nutrient. In the mean time I may get a quick phosphorous boosting agent to get some in her quickly. The bright side is that the buds are growing nicely and thickening daily though she is emitting no smell as of yet! I probably did wrong watering her with feed when still damp but I hope nutrients over weigh a slight over water.