New Grower Auto Sativa for cooler eastern Europe climate

hey if you're interested in photos that are practically like autos, have a look at biddy early. you literally cant stop this plant from starting to flower and i hear it does really well in nortern climates. otherwise the auto siver haze seems like a good bet, but im sure you'll get a bigger yield with the biddy early ;)
nah mate but a friend of mine has and he said its a super easy grow and when we smoked it was a kinda happy giggly high, was a while ago so not too sure. check it out on leafly >> super quick flowering time. about 60 days i think. i was thinking about growing this in the summer and just putting in the shed in total darkness for 12 hours to get it flowering. kinda interested to see if that'd work. my friend said that at one point there was super shit cloudy weather and ever that got it to start flowering somehow :'D not sure if he was talking shit or not though...
good luck mate :peace:
Did a little research about biddy early, what a monster!!! I think i'll add this strain to this year adventure :) thanks
np, good luck with the grow. And if you want some seriously awesome strains look up tangilope and LSD. I just got myself those two babies, but waiting till the summer to plant them. They look fucking amazing. especially for outdoor, quick and easy grows. well, no grow is easy... but you know what im saying :D
oh yeah, and as to do with the questions you asked
I think it would be best you go with something slightly bigger. 15 litres shouldnt restrict the plant too much. its a good size to keep the plants in. Also, what i think is best is to is to put your germed seed straight into their final pot. Start it inside for a couple weeks (i'd say at least a couple weeks). start it inside. dont worry too much about crazy ass lights. as long as you got a windowsill which gets sunlights all day and as long as you got a little light for night time (not tooo important) then you'll be all good. But i mean if you want, and you'll def get better results of growth in the veg stage then go for some good lights. atm im putting mine up on a window sill during the day and under a small light at night and at 4 days old they're at 8cm. so i think that growth isnt too bad with a make do system :D. Also, as to what you're doing with them when you put them outside, i'd leave them in their pots unless you got some good soil with good drainage and no storms at all. I like to be able to move my plants if i need to. But thats all up to personal preference i guess.
I've always done these sorta make do grows and they've always gone super well. finally decided to do a grow report.. check it out if you like. im at 39 lat but still :D
Thanks mate for helping me out. 15L buckets are OK and im going to stick to this method instead of digging holes :) I'm planning to plant about 15 seeds, so 15 buckets total. I can't start indoors cause i live in a small flat so my space is really limited. I have to figure out how to make everything outside and in the place :)
go to your man roots and build an outdoor shack :D aahahahhaha
Thats it mate.....why the heck did I never think of roots.......I'll throw that at the OH next time she nags about all the important things I do, and time I spend in mah shed..........I do have a machete at hand in case the man taproots gets too firm a grip...........very well said Thumbs up 3d.gif
Labas, kaip suprantu auginsi Lietuvoi ir miske kazkur, zodziu situacija tokia, kad gali arba pasisekt arba mnepasisekt tau, visu pirma, sunku bus ten nusitempt zemes jei vienas darysi ir visa kita, problema su laistymu turi issprest kad ten butu vandens jei sausa vasara nusimato, nes jei 15 augalu auginsi jiem reikes nemazai vandens, kita prioblema saules trukumas, auginsi autoflower, o jiems saules reikai 16 - 18 val per diena tada jie uzauga geri, bet realiai miske to nebus, pavesiai ir pan, dienos cia pakankamai trumpos. Dar viena problema laukiniai gyvunai, jei neapsaugosi jaunu augaliuku jei bus greitai nuesti :) man taip buvo.. bet seip paskui kai augaliukai sutvirteja niekas prie ju nelenda ir apsaugos nereikia, nebent nuo kitu zmoniu :) Seip auginau 8 TD ir northern lights viena augaliuka, pradejau su 10 is 0pradziu pora neatsilaike, visi kiti uzaugo, bet tame ir problema buvo kad ir autoflower, bet Lietuviskos vasaros jiem neuzteko, prasidejo lietus ir pan, beaugant pradejo put ziedai, nuo dregmes, reikejo nuimt derliu anksciau nes butu viskas supuve, seip finale produktas neblogas gavos, bet nusprendizua kad jei daugiau kada augint tai nebent siltnamy arba viduje palapinei, bet smagu kad nori pamegint ir stengiesi, sekmes!