Indoor Auto Heavyweight Fast&Vast/Fast&Vast#2

View attachment 493917 I've just pretty much blown an AU grow by not having the ruthless heart to remove a couple of plants until it was too late.....the jungle that ensued looks pretty in pics, but yield is gonna be something best forgotten!
Do you guys think if I put a net in or cage set up in there , that maybe just maybe I'll have enough room to weave all the branches through to just make a canopy? I had to ditch any of the young ladies
I think, if you grow these plants well to their potential, you haven't got a prayer keeping 4 of them in that size tent. No matter what you do, screen, supercropping, LST, defoliation, etc.,etc., they will blow you tent to smithereens and get stunted in the process........and come harvest time you will curse someone!
Or on the other hand, even with crowding , you could end up with much the same (or even more) total weight from growing 4 vs. fewer plants. For example, say 2 plants each give you 5.5 ounces (a rather high yield), 11 total, but 4 plants each giving you 3 (more routinely attainable) gets you 12 ounces, plus you'll have 2x as much variety.
I think I have made the decision to upgrade my tent now while there is still time to-do so. I'm going to upgrade to 4x4x6.5 in the next 2 weeks before things get out of control. I'm not tight for money, and I would rather spend money then kill an innocent lady : ).
Hopefully this will be enough extra room for the 4 to do there thing. I'm also going to ad an 2 additional 300watt LED lights so I can spread the light out a bit. Does anyone think 4x 300watt led lights is overkill?
Day 16 update looking nice. 2 looking a little bit smaller then other 2 , but overall looking healthy no issues. Almost at 5 Nodes getting ready for first feeding in 5 days. Thanks for watching!