growing auto heavy bud from advanced seeds in my closet.
Lighting is 6 55watt 2700k cfl, 1 40watt 6500k cfl, and 1 20 watt 6500k, cfl tubes on the sides. And white poster board around it for reflection.
I have a small 4" fan constantly blowing on it to keep it cool and fresh air.
Its in 1/4 tga supersoil "in the bottom of the pot" (last of what I had), and 3/4 fox farm (plus a little Miracle Grow peatmoss with the nutrient balls picked out I used to start the seed in). its in a 5 gal smart pot.
I haven't invested much money into this so its pretty basic.
The only nutes I have gave her are miracle grow cactus plant food. why cactus plant food because im cheap and didn't want to buy actual canna nutes yet and cactus food is high potash and phosphate (2-7-7) which is good for flowering as far as I know.
I'll try to get a pic up but am unable to right now.
any comments and helpful tips are welcome or just tell me how im doing with the setup.
thanx lots, new to the community I love autos though they are just amazing.

Lighting is 6 55watt 2700k cfl, 1 40watt 6500k cfl, and 1 20 watt 6500k, cfl tubes on the sides. And white poster board around it for reflection.
I have a small 4" fan constantly blowing on it to keep it cool and fresh air.
Its in 1/4 tga supersoil "in the bottom of the pot" (last of what I had), and 3/4 fox farm (plus a little Miracle Grow peatmoss with the nutrient balls picked out I used to start the seed in). its in a 5 gal smart pot.
I haven't invested much money into this so its pretty basic.
The only nutes I have gave her are miracle grow cactus plant food. why cactus plant food because im cheap and didn't want to buy actual canna nutes yet and cactus food is high potash and phosphate (2-7-7) which is good for flowering as far as I know.
I'll try to get a pic up but am unable to right now.
any comments and helpful tips are welcome or just tell me how im doing with the setup.
thanx lots, new to the community I love autos though they are just amazing.