Indoor Auto gorilla shizzle

Free Flow

Hydro Junkie
Sep 4, 2017
Reaction score
Hey all! I was sponsored for a grow battle last year that I unfortunately couldn't complete due to some personal stuff going on, short stuff was cool as hell and sent me two 5 packs of beans, 2 different gorilla crosses.

Popped the first 5 pack for the battle and saw them to about pre flower. The growth was awesome, that was in coco. Fast forward to today and I popped the second pack which is Auto Gorilla Shizzle, dropped 5 and only 4 came up. No biggie as those odds are ok in my book.

I dont have pictures of day 1-12 as I've been so busy as of lately. I have made myself set some time aside to showcase these genetics that were sponsored to me by short stuff, even though these are not in a battle I still intend to do my best.

They were sprouted in coco, rinsed the roots slightly and transplanted into 1gal pots of hydroton and transferred them into a flood table shared by 5 other plants. All 4 have taken to hydro like champs and love it, no signs of any shock from the root rinse or the transplant. Here they are at day 13 thriving and loving life. I know 1gal isn't huge but I'm keeping my goals modest at a solid 1oz of buds per plant.

I run dual flood tables that fit 6 1gal containers each for a total of 12 plants. I have 3 citizen 1818 cobs above pushing 200w, so again keeping my goals modest hoping for just under an elbow for this setup. We'll see what happens lol


(Ps, dont knock my pvc lol, I'm making wood frames for them and you should see them by the next update lol)

Sorry for the long winded introduction but you know how it is when you're stoned, you tend to ramble.

Auto Gorilla Shizzle
Day 13

@CannaZone Tier 1
Hey all! I was sponsored for a grow battle last year that I unfortunately couldn't complete due to some personal stuff going on, short stuff was cool as hell and sent me two 5 packs of beans, 2 different gorilla crosses.

Popped the first 5 pack for the battle and saw them to about pre flower. The growth was awesome, that was in coco. Fast forward to today and I popped the second pack which is Auto Gorilla Shizzle, dropped 5 and only 4 came up. No biggie as those odds are ok in my book.

I dont have pictures of day 1-12 as I've been so busy as of lately. I have made myself set some time aside to showcase these genetics that were sponsored to me by short stuff, even though these are not in a battle I still intend to do my best.

They were sprouted in coco, rinsed the roots slightly and transplanted into 1gal pots of hydroton and transferred them into a flood table shared by 5 other plants. All 4 have taken to hydro like champs and love it, no signs of any shock from the root rinse or the transplant. Here they are at day 13 thriving and loving life. I know 1gal isn't huge but I'm keeping my goals modest at a solid 1oz of buds per plant.

I run dual flood tables that fit 6 1gal containers each for a total of 12 plants. I have 3 citizen 1818 cobs above pushing 200w, so again keeping my goals modest hoping for just under an elbow for this setup. We'll see what happens lol

View attachment 1072545
(Ps, dont knock my pvc lol, I'm making wood frames for them and you should see them by the next update lol)

Sorry for the long winded introduction but you know how it is when you're stoned, you tend to ramble.

Auto Gorilla Shizzle
Day 13
View attachment 1072543 View attachment 1072544

@CannaZone Tier 1
Dude i got like 20 of them totes. I had a very similiar setup that was top fed not flood and drain. It worked very well and i build all my tables with pvc as well. Grrat minds think alike. Plants look happy.
Same, I tend to lose more seeds with rockwool than with coco. Rockwool was always either too wet or too dry for me.

And the pvc holds fine, had it about a month and 0 issues but it looks sketchy. I should have just added a center support like underneath but eh I'll have 2 extra frames when I decide to convert my entire room lol

I wouldn't mind s topfeed type system with coco, but i just like that pure water is so much easier to clean and maintain than coco lol. I'm a pothead so the less I have to deal with and clean , the better lol.

Tag me into your journal if you've got one. I like the idea of a top feed system. I'm liking the ebb and flow tables though.
I'm all drain to waste right now. Hand watering at that moment. I have my top feed and manifolds all ready to go but just haven't hooked it back up I have a 4x8 flood table that cost me around 400$ and I'm using it as a big tub to drain all the water into a big tote with a automated float pump to blow the waste water outside. You run a Reverse osmosis system? I'll tagg ya in my journal.
Girl are doing good, a bit sensitive to nutes as I've learned. I've been super busy with life so I havent been the best dad to these girls but they are all starting to flower, looks like i have 3 green phenos and 1 purple.

Will do a more detailed update in a few days. For now here are a few pics from a week ago or so.

I love the structure of this strain, very uniform. All of them are about the same size and shape. Really enjoying these, I can tell that it's not a quick pollen chuck.
Got a surprise out of one of my gorillas, its towering the other 3 and is just now starting to flower. Shes a huge girl for the 1gal pot shes in. Other 3 look good, already starting to swell and form trichs
