Indoor Auto-flower/nutrients

Sep 17, 2012
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As a newbie grower but 45+ year smoker is it better to grow indoors with a prepack nutrient-rich mixture like Dr. Earth POTing soil or a basic recipe like this:

3 parts compost
3 parts peat moss
2 part perlite, pre-wet
1 part vermiculite, pre-wet"

and then add nutrients as needed.

I've done some research but I've found a wealth of conflicting opinions as regards autos.
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Personally I think unless you're doing a specific canna mix, then I'd go for a decent regular compost to begin with. In my opinion, for your first grow you want to keep it as simple as you can & making your own mix is something another possible headache you do not want.
Welcome to AFN. Autos tend to be a bit nutrient sensitive and often don't do well in rich potting mixes. Anything that has slow release nutrients should be avoided, including all Miracle Grow products. I tend to agree, mixing your own may not be the best option for a new grower. Lots of good, proven mixes already available. Pro Mix, Sunshine #4, BioBizz to name a couple. Check local garden centers and green house supply stores to see what is available in your area. If you opt to mix your own, make sure to add dolomite lime to buffer your pH.
Thanks guys-with pre-mixes like you mentioned will a general nutrient schedule be necessary? For example 1 for veg, a second for flowering?
Yes, especially with soil less mixes like Pro Mix and Sunshine #4. They only contain starter nutes, enough for about 2 weeks.