hey all--i kno im very new here and im not trying to offend anyone whos deeply
into autos as i myself am about to become full on auto but in my lil quest to pick
out a 3rd auto plant to grow in my trio of plants i have combed through 100s of
strains and i just feel that breeders are taking away the essence of what makes
an auto an auto--let me explain--to me an auto is very small--like under 20in-
-and very fast finishing--like 8-10 weeks-a plant for stealthy grows and a quick
turn around and taking up far less space to grow--a perfect example being the
lowryder#2---but now with all the breeders trying to make them more potent and
bigger yields which are all good things--they are actually taking away the auto!--i
have looked through many new strains that reach 3-4ft and take as long as 16
weeks to finish!-2 examples being short stuffs super cali haze and short stuffs
super auto super stinky-to me thats not auto at all!--u could just as easily get a
nice extremely potent normal photo plant and veg it for a month and flower for 2
months and have a far more greater yield and have it be far more potent the only
difference being u would have to switch to the 12/12 lighting cycle---which from
what ive been reading alot of the newer bigger autos has to be done anyway?--i
mean dont get me wrong alot of those new bigger autos sound awsome but i just
fear that if this path continues to follow then we are just gonna end up with just
normal subpar photos?--just my 2 cents for the day--food for thought!--i do love
the true autos tho!!---AWSOME idea!
into autos as i myself am about to become full on auto but in my lil quest to pick
out a 3rd auto plant to grow in my trio of plants i have combed through 100s of
strains and i just feel that breeders are taking away the essence of what makes
an auto an auto--let me explain--to me an auto is very small--like under 20in-
-and very fast finishing--like 8-10 weeks-a plant for stealthy grows and a quick
turn around and taking up far less space to grow--a perfect example being the
lowryder#2---but now with all the breeders trying to make them more potent and
bigger yields which are all good things--they are actually taking away the auto!--i
have looked through many new strains that reach 3-4ft and take as long as 16
weeks to finish!-2 examples being short stuffs super cali haze and short stuffs
super auto super stinky-to me thats not auto at all!--u could just as easily get a
nice extremely potent normal photo plant and veg it for a month and flower for 2
months and have a far more greater yield and have it be far more potent the only
difference being u would have to switch to the 12/12 lighting cycle---which from
what ive been reading alot of the newer bigger autos has to be done anyway?--i
mean dont get me wrong alot of those new bigger autos sound awsome but i just
fear that if this path continues to follow then we are just gonna end up with just
normal subpar photos?--just my 2 cents for the day--food for thought!--i do love
the true autos tho!!---AWSOME idea!