Lighting Auto Durban x Auto Duck F1 - Bx To Duck

The first Durban x Duck weighs in @ 34 grams

Day 1 flush for the two seed plants
Auto Duck is going to take longer than Durban x Duck to finish. DxD could be harvested now as the seeds are ripe and so are the buds. Here's a couple pics of auto duck


Lots of white pistols still although the pic doesn't show this well
Here is some Durban x Duck drying
The pot with two fems weighed 80 grams total and the other weighs 53g plus I got 40 grams of small larf and seeds. Now I just need to figure out how to seperate the seeds from the leaf/larf.

I got rid of the GG#2 (have 20 more seeds) and planted some Lowryder #2 seeds in big fountain soda cups to see if I can get like a foot long bud from each fem instead of big plants. Also planted 4 Azure Rocket in a 5 gallon fabric pot to test them out. Sour 60, Red Poison, and Burning Kush auto's are all doing really well except one Red Poison is yellow a bit and shorter than her sister growing much slower. The main goal for this run is to pollinate a hopefully purple Red Poison with Sour 60 pollen. Everything else will be for smoke.

When Auto Duck is dry I'll make a new thread for the new strains.