Auto Defoliation Myth Test

A lot of claims that defoliation on a healthy plant with the result being Larger Yields. Rather it can save yields in mold prone situations.
I'm so confused now. Are you saying I could have yielded more on this plant if I didn't defoliate? And here I thought 6.6 oz was ok.

I'm saying it's situational and that it depends more in the environment rather than how or when or if someone removes leaves.
I was never insinuating that everyone that defoliates any healthy plant will increase their yields. Sorry if anything I said came off that way.

Everything in growing is situational.
A lot of claims that defoliation on a healthy plant with the result being Larger Yields. Rather it can save yields in mold prone situations.

I figure if the plant made 200 leaves to get to harvest then the cultivator has to ensure there is enough light and resources to facilitate all that vegetative growth. Many gains could be made getting 6-700ppfd throughout the whole plant without removing leaves and triggering vegetative responses.
IF it gets federal legalization, maybe research can answer it. It should be quite easy to detect any hormonal changes with today's technology.
I was never insinuating that everyone that defoliates any healthy plant will increase their yields. Sorry if anything I said came off that way.

Everything in growing is situational.

I wasn't either but sites like Growweedeasy purport the benefits of defoliation. Mind you they've been growing a lot longer than many so I take their success with a grain of salt.

I wasn't trying to argue with you just raising a point.

IF it gets federal legalization, maybe research can answer it. It should be quite easy to detect any hormonal changes with today's technology.

According to the interview with OutCo's head grower in regards to defoliation - it was for environmental reasons rather than for increasing yield and in regards to yield it wasn't noted.

The description she provided sounded pretty dialed in of their operations. I don't think crop steering has been explored enough and for that I would be thankful for legalization.
Defoliation of any healthy plant is fine, including autoflowers. Myth busted.
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It makes me happy to see a big pile of newly defoliated healthy leaves.

Juice all that, give the juice diluted to your girls and give the plant material to your worms.

Bloody hippies :¬)

A lot of claims that defoliation on a healthy plant with the result being Larger Yields. Rather it can save yields in mold prone situations.

Yeah I think this is the salient point that gets lost in the fog of war. After growing with hydroponics for long enough I now realise that a lot of the problems that people have are not to do with the actual problem but are more secondary problems, so I have come to the conclusion that even more important than the leaves is the root structure of the plant. Roots are the single most important part of the grow to concentrate on, get them right and everything else will pretty well fall into place, it's easier to get the roots right in hydro.

Once the roots are golden, then as you say defoliating it pretty well more a matter of 'well I don't need these leaves, are they doing harm?', and if the answer is 'yes', because they are blocking airflow, or light and they are superfluous for needs get rid of them. Another overlooked advantage to heavy defoliation is the ability to clearly see the structure of the plant and get a good plan in your mind as to what you want to do.
Yeah I think this is the salient point that gets lost in the fog of war. After growing with hydroponics for long enough I now realise that a lot of the problems that people have are not to do with the actual problem but are more secondary problems, so I have come to the conclusion that even more important than the leaves is the root structure of the plant. Roots are the single most important part of the grow to concentrate on, get them right and everything else will pretty well fall into place, it's easier to get the roots right in hydro.

Once the roots are golden, then as you say defoliating it pretty well more a matter of 'well I don't need these leaves, are they doing harm?', and if the answer is 'yes', because they are blocking airflow, or light and they are superfluous for needs get rid of them. Another overlooked advantage to heavy defoliation is the ability to clearly see the structure of the plant and get a good plan in your mind as to what you want to do.

I agree. Strong, healthy roots are the foundation. My best grows have always taken that into account using fertilizers to stimulate health. There are benefits to defoliation just not for yield increase. It's a vegetative stress response in my book and one that works well for mother plants or during veg.

Though I am of the opinion that rather than removing leaves, adding enough light is the key. Imo, they grow the leaves they need to make it to harvest. I don't train my plants much if at all anymore and I have ceased defoliation for the past two years. Over 2ft and things get larfy.

There was a large difference coming from HPS to LED and I've had bud consistently reaching the bottom of the stems with the buds being solid more often than not. Getting a PAR meter was very helpful in knowing the light drop off from the top of the canopy to the bottom. I don't think most growers 'have' or 'need' to defoliate rather I think our environments are key from air circulation down to the medium and everything in between.
I agree. Strong, healthy roots are the foundation. My best grows have always taken that into account using fertilizers to stimulate health. There are benefits to defoliation just not for yield increase. It's a vegetative stress response in my book and one that works well for mother plants or during veg.

Though I am of the opinion that rather than removing leaves, adding enough light is the key. Imo, they grow the leaves they need to make it to harvest. I don't train my plants much if at all anymore and I have ceased defoliation for the past two years. Over 2ft and things get larfy.

There was a large difference coming from HPS to LED and I've had bud consistently reaching the bottom of the stems with the buds being solid more often than not. Getting a PAR meter was very helpful in knowing the light drop off from the top of the canopy to the bottom. I don't think most growers 'have' or 'need' to defoliate rather I think our environments are key from air circulation down to the medium and everything in between.
A point for others that may read this thread.
Good air circulation insures even CO2 distribution to all parts of the plant. It ensures maximum utilization of the available gas. Something not commonly mentioned, but is very important.