@Waira ive got a treat for you

and for the rest of those watching.

gaaahhhh, ma bairns!
(he says blowing by you and home-base sliding into the pots) 
-- gimmegimmegimme!

FDeeee my man, sorry I missed this early on, you ninja about without a shout-out! ...Nothin' for months then BOOM you're all on fire here again

.... It's great to you in action and dropping Goods in the 'Hood! I know you're like a Tbsp of butter over a whole loaf of bread for spare time these days...

= The Auto' Cup, fresh works, colab's,
real life-

.... how's the Little One and your Lady? All thriving I trust!
That PTek light is
phaaaaat,... I am so loving the way lights are evolving now, LED revolution is something else ain't it? Fanless is just
titties IMO...
I just picked up my first Qboard, FTG Lighting Infinity single unit

what a blaster! So much of what seemed to be unlearned about various other non-prime PAR wavelengths during the blurple dark ages is now finally coming out of that idiocy,... green, various reds, etc. all play their roles with the plant... UV is hotter n' shit right now it seems!
Nice heap o' soil dude

bet the neighbors are wondering....

Are they a local company? How's the soil looking to you, and have you seen it used elsewhere yet? I'm still rolling with Sanctuary Soils Empire Builder,... though it's a butt clench right now over availability at the worst time: seems there's a dock strike down south CA, fuckers won't unload the damn bags from the ships , so no filling and restocks! Shop guy said F' this, and is ordering a full tote and doing a self-fill gig until it's over...
>>> As usual, your grows are going fantastically-

... how warm is your room?
I'm so stoked to see Bobby's Widow developing so well, and those girls are
killin me, you know it!

... Such chunky frosty beauties, and the speed is on-point! I see that slipping a lot currently, looking around at newer stuff,... I'd say things are shifting toward 10+ weeks more and more, some like the SSSC auto's are WTF slow at 12+, which to me is pointless, might as well grow a photo' for the same quality and yield (or better), and saved the energy$!

....clowny shit mate, clowny shit...
... get us some dark background/flash pics FD, we can't see the goods well under that lighting!
... Bobby's not showing any color pheno's, just curious,... ALF/Anvil's color is sooo dominant... I like her interesting leaves, large blunt margin teeth,... nice pheno' consistency

.... I am out of date FD, has she been fem'ed yet? I need to get out and look at your distributors! OES and DCSE?
...Wow, the CMD is damned nice dude, she's got that sati-hybrid look I think you were shooting for in this line? Her leaves are sure showing it! How's the aroma on her,.. Bobby too!
Anvil's still the She-Rah beefcakes of the auto world-

... that one above is perfect, not too tall, lots of great branching, long limbed and node studded....
What's the hap's for the Hoopy this year? And the yard?
The weather is staying cool, but fuck it, I started the auto's anyway, got the tent set up in the courtyard as usual... doing T testing with that new light just to see how much it's throwing out,... Photo's another month yet, but this year it's all either small company or private breeder stuff, custom crosses or repro's of "elite" cuts... We definitely need to chat in PM about beans! I have some potentially interesting resources....
>> auto's: White Crack, HubbaBubbaSmelloScope (bubblegum), Stone99v6, auto Zamadelica
photo's: Jelly Sickle; Colmb.Diesel/I-95 x New Lime; Cherry WiFi; LBH's ChemD/SDxSour Diesel Haze (new fem line); BlueBonic/Guerilla Gold3; The Doors x Original Haze --->
*no I'm not nuts, this cross was made by a great guy working with Skunkman Sam on real-deal OHaze revival, and this test cross panned out well with do-able speed against all odds! She showed about 9-10 weeks outside in a UK grow, fucking amazing for a nearly pure OHaze...
The whole mission was about this breeder getting that special high he recalled from way back, lost to him for decades, and he got it! DOHz is very close to his 'holy grail" OHz, which is still about 14 weeks in bloom as a pure version... So now I finally get to try something close to that magic stuff so many recall but can't find... soaring creative functional high, perfect for music and even his work as a digital graphics master! Soooo, we'll see,.. she's the only reg, running 3, and this is the only reg' I'd risk currently,... Last time that fucking Aunt of Farook landrace Paki went 3/3 males on me!, they hated life near the Bay too....
Cheers FD!

... more later, gotta run now....