Dutch Passion Auto Blackberry Kush & Auto Ultimate

Today blackberry kush went down at day 73( about 60 days flo) wet weight 40g so i m expecting magic 10 grams from this plant but i learned a something about autos so i can do better next time. Auto ultimate is fattening so i will leave her for another week or max 2. Smell is so fruity like fruit forest !
Okay sorry i forgot to finish topic. Blackberry went down after about 68 days total. About 50 days flowering giving about 10g ( she was max 30 cm tall dwarf ) and autoultimate gave my 34 g dried buds nice ones but i dont like this kind of smoke. A bit sweet but different way and i think this is "mazar family" heritage or i m wrong. She went down after about 74 days total. About 55 days flo. I had bud rot( mold on main cola and i oost about 4 grams due to this mold) i hope i spelled it right. She was about 50 cm tall with main kola and few side branches generally dwarf. But i will grow autoultimate again but wont transplant her from small pot to bigger. Now i know thats why i lost a lot because of this mistake.
They certainly look a little stunted.... However, I send you :karmacloud: and :vibes: for the grow.

I loved my Blackberry Kush plants - when I grew them last year.... very nice smoke.

ABK 1 Day 70 a.jpg

Day 63 ABK 2b.jpg
So nice plant , yes buddy she didint like hanging pots and her youger sister i cut last night looked much better and 2x taller but still it was not what i was thinking is gonna be on the end so enough bbk in my menu : )
How dense are those purple buds? I haven't seen yet dense purple strain.

I have grown 5 of these plants over the last year, I found that although Blackberry Kush may not be the tightest of buds during the grow, they become more reasonably dense when dried & cured....

Day 63 ABK 2a.jpg

Day 63 ABK 2c.jpg

ABK Plant 2c.jpg
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