Dutch Passion Auto Blackberry Kush & Auto Ultimate

Feb 7, 2018
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Currently Smoking
Hi all, i ve started journey with DP strains and i have a question to some more experienced folks here about my auto blackberry kush but first let me say something about tent and stuff i m using to give as much info as i can.
Tent - 80 cm x 80 cm x 180cm
Pots - 2x 15l fabric pot with coco 60/40 gold label
Light- 250w hps( for first 2 weeks i ve been using Mh bulb and after than i switched to Hps)
Distance light from plants - approx 50 cm

34cm Fan inside tent with regulation switch( now on 1/2 speed on first "gear")
Vent- rhino 420 m3/h + carbon filter
Light schedule - 18/6
Temp during day - 24- 25 °C and hum 60%
Temp during night- 18°C and hum about 70%
Feeding - tap water plus nuts - ec 0.7 ph 5.8 - everyday approx 300 ml each plant. Or every 2 days if i see that girls dont drink too much.
Nuts i m using- katana roots, canna coco a +b , cal mag.
Now my question is : is it normal that my blackberry kush started showing preflowers just at day 16 from seed and now it seems like plant stopped " growing and producing new branches" and instead started focusing on "making buds" on itself on main cola?? On picture enclosed you will see what i mean. At day 15 ( 30 jan)i moved both ( ultimate and blackberry ) from 1 litre pot to this 15l fabric pots and i m not sure what i ve done wrong becauase leaves are not fully green as in my previous 3 grows( one auto grow - big bang from ghs and 2 photoperiod grows). Auto Ultimate showed preflowers just 2 days ago but plant still want to grow - not like blackberry.
Today ultimate is 15 cm tall and blackberry 25 cm.

I m super happy to see my blackberry started turning into purple. If any grower has got few secs to pop here and have a look - i would be very thankful as i ve seen on this forum monster plants from DP so you lads must be more experienced in gardening than me or have magic spells that turn plants into trees but i m still learning :) do you think guys i should change light to 20/4? Or change size of pot?

Can anybody give me a hint how to upload nice proper pics ? Because i m trying now and they are like " cutted" and looks not as good as on my phone after taking them.
Thanks in advance for any help and happy growing trees fellas !


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Hi all, i ve started journey with DP strains and i have a question to some more experienced folks here about my auto blackberry kush but first let me say something about tent and stuff i m using to give as much info as i can.
Tent - 80 cm x 80 cm x 180cm
Pots - 2x 15l fabric pot with coco 60/40 gold label
Light- 250w hps( for first 2 weeks i ve been using Mh bulb and after than i switched to Hps)
Distance light from plants - approx 50 cm

34cm Fan inside tent with regulation switch( now on 1/2 speed on first "gear")
Vent- rhino 420 m3/h + carbon filter
Light schedule - 18/6
Temp during day - 24- 25 °C and hum 60%
Temp during night- 18°C and hum about 70%
Feeding - tap water plus nuts - ec 0.7 ph 5.8 - everyday approx 300 ml each plant. Or every 2 days if i see that girls dont drink too much.
Nuts i m using- katana roots, canna coco a +b , cal mag.
Now my question is : is it normal that my blackberry kush started showing preflowers just at day 16 from seed and now it seems like plant stopped " growing and producing new branches" and instead started focusing on "making buds" on itself on main cola?? On picture enclosed you will see what i mean. At day 15 ( 30 jan)i moved both ( ultimate and blackberry ) from 1 litre pot to this 15l fabric pots and i m not sure what i ve done wrong becauase leaves are not fully green as in my previous 3 grows( one auto grow - big bang from ghs and 2 photoperiod grows). Auto Ultimate showed preflowers just 2 days ago but plant still want to grow - not like blackberry.
Today ultimate is 15 cm tall and blackberry 25 cm.

I m super happy to see my blackberry started turning into purple. If any grower has got few secs to pop here and have a look - i would be very thankful as i ve seen on this forum monster plants from DP so you lads must be more experienced in gardening than me or have magic spells that turn plants into trees but i m still learning :) do you think guys i should change light to 20/4? Or change size of pot?

Can anybody give me a hint how to upload nice proper pics ? Because i m trying now and they are like " cutted" and looks not as good as on my phone after taking them.
Thanks in advance for any help and happy growing trees fellas !
hi wing suit welcome to AFN from what i can see from the pics and information you gave sounds like they didnt like the transplant from the 1 liter pots on day 15 best to do this abit earlier or just go straight into the final pot no transplanting at all
iv been reading lately that if you start a auto in a small pot and let the roots hit the sides then transplant you will get faster flowering plants instead of one that only start day 30 or so but it looks to me like your blacberry has been budding now for awhile not too sure the reason for this your ultimate looks good but a bit pale could be from transplant shock or not enough feed but it sounds like enough at 0 .7ec i would recommend you copy and paste this post in the infirmary section for sick plants lots of very helpfull people in there with the experiance your looking for goodluck with the grow heres a link to the infirmary
hi and welcome :pass:
ohh bugger i think you may have bugs.last pic left side lil squiggly marks,look under leaf with a magnifing glass if poss.
you need smarter folk than me im afraid.
good luck.
Thank you stoney T and i will go for advice there now :) archie gemmill- you are master - i ve looked just now inside my tent and you were right! I found small bugs on ultimate( last pic) and they are colour like milky coffee or light brown and something like 1mm big. No good :/ in previous grows i had different bugs but these i see first time. stoney T - so do you recommend to change size of pots from 15l to smaller like 11l or 5l or leave them as they are? 2 years ago when i had big bang strain i remember i put seeds i think straight into 5.5l plastic pot or i ve started from 1l and relocated them after 2 weeks but definitely they were keen to grow - not like these ladies now :/ i will copy and ask folks there and we will see what they will say. Because if they say its f#ck up and i need cut them down and start with new seeds- definitely i will buy them again but this time i will put them straight into lets say 11l pot because nobody wants to waste electricity(cash for bills) on plant or two which gonna give me few grams ( if anything) cheers
Welcome to AFN hopefully someone can help little over my head. I agree with @stoney T that autos should be place in the pot they will grow in from the start. Good luck
Welcome to AFN hopefully someone can help little over my head. I agree with @stoney T that autos should be place in the pot they will grow in from the start. Good luck
Thank you buddy and i will do my homework better next time and i wont transplant ladies from one size to another and i will put them staight into target size of pot.
Thank you stoney T and i will go for advice there now :) archie gemmill- you are master - i ve looked just now inside my tent and you were right! I found small bugs on ultimate( last pic) and they are colour like milky coffee or light brown and something like 1mm big. No good :/ in previous grows i had different bugs but these i see first time. stoney T - so do you recommend to change size of pots from 15l to smaller like 11l or 5l or leave them as they are? 2 years ago when i had big bang strain i remember i put seeds i think straight into 5.5l plastic pot or i ve started from 1l and relocated them after 2 weeks but definitely they were keen to grow - not like these ladies now :/ i will copy and ask folks there and we will see what they will say. Because if they say its f#ck up and i need cut them down and start with new seeds- definitely i will buy them again but this time i will put them straight into lets say 11l pot because nobody wants to waste electricity(cash for bills) on plant or two which gonna give me few grams ( if anything) cheers
15l would be good for bigger plants but 11L would also do just fine . i only use the 15L cause it what i seen others doing when i was starting out but the company has actally sttoped making 15l airpots they reckon 12.5 is big enough im think its down to space and what you want to keep it simple bigger pot bigger plant medium pot medium plant
Thank you for sharing your opinion and i ve just moved both plants to smaller pots. Blackberry into 5.5l pot and ultimate into 11l pot because i know what could happen in few days or weeks if i keep them in 15l pots - white fu##ing worms would start to show up due to dump environment as i had that issue in past with photos because roots didint reached bottom of pot and tadaaa problem created.
As i lifted each plant with both hands i saw that roots went deep max 10 cm inside that fabric pot so for sure these ladies in this grow dont like be transplanted like i did. For sure i need order more seeds tommorow as i feel like these 2 plants wont give me much so its better to buy another 3 and definitely i will put them straight into 11l pots which worked for me well in last two grows. The reason i choosed now 15l was i saw nice big plants here on dp forum and i thought- i want also big trees so why not put them also in bigger pots but i didint know autos dont like transplantation. Everyday is a new lesson.


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Here is some purple porn fellas :) i decided to show blackberry kush till harvest so enjoy :) she is building buds nice even she is short.


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