Indoor Auto Berry, Auto widow, Low Ryder #2

  • Thread starter Thread starter JM
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there coming along nice bro looks like your gonna have a good size run.
pics 02-16-2011 AF Day 98 Day 77 Day 49 (Day 40 reset 2) Day 33 Day 21 Day 16 Day 15

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ok... 8 new SSH clones in the tray
there are 6 pots with 6 low ryder #2 clones (test round) the mother (hacked wayy back) is pictured as well with my hand around behind it.
next a mekong high fem (photo)
next a throwin unkown as of yet
peppers... second set of leaves just peeking
the single in big bin is ak47 x rr

followed by 4 cucumbers 2 ANC pickling and 2 Boston pickling
followed by another ak47 (+rep rip :))
followed by the day 33 sets and some both up and down the day scale a bit staggered
followed by many various wide angle shots in which you can see the blueberry auto in full bud as well as the ato widow... both bottoms pollinated with hbd pollen and you can see the rocdoor yellow beans germ test batch

finally, in the cluster of 5 milk cartons are the other 5 of 6 successful germs with the rrX ak47... note to all: if you recieved seeds in the mail I HIGHLY rccomened a few days of warm dry temps for them prior to germing... i had 20 seeds of ak47 x RR and lost many to germinaton issues... i have not had any problems since they were dried out 3 days in 90 degree temps at 30% humidity.... 6 of 6 germed... prior to drying 1 of 8 was germing....

thanks for all the encouraging comments guys... peace!

Last edited:
pics 02-17-2011 AF Day 99 Day 78 Day 50 (Day 41 reset 2) Day 34 Day 22 Day 17 Day 16

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wooo very nice great stuff mate
Green Thumb Tip....

note to all: if you recieved seeds in the mail I HIGHLY rccomened a few days of warm dry temps for them prior to germing... i had 20 seeds of ak47 x RR and lost many to germinaton issues... i have not had any problems since they were dried out 3 days in 90 degree temps at 30% humidity.... 6 of 6 germed... prior to drying 1 of 8 was germing....

Good growing JM...they are all looking healthy and Happy...

Happy plants make happy growers...

Veggies are looking top class too.