Thanks for your update DAB 
Trimming off fan leaves I'd say is not a good idea. But I'd sure would like to see you do the test so I could advice others on this next time with more confidence.
When is cutting fan's a good idea? > When you don't have enough soil in your pots to sustain a healthy rhizosphere later on when the plant is supposed to bud out. (eg, when roots are getting too crowded for the size of your pots)
I always say that 40 liter of soil per plant is the minimal most safe amount of soil to avoid trouble later on with these auto's.
But you are using much less than 40 liter per plant, so who knows it could even be a good thing somehow.
Looking out for the results of your test. ^^ Cuz testing is where it was all about in the first place rite ?
All I know is that these plants have been subdued to a very harsh 'survival of the fittest' method of breeding, and therefore I know for a fact that these are some of the most vigorous monsters you could run into if it comes to root making.
Rather keep it down with the (epsom) salts or Ca/mg DABaracus.
But ya got to double or triple up on organic feed. > The lighter turning growth tips and inner leaves are a clear tell tale for that.
These plants can handle huge amounts of feed, actually even like it a lot! > Just so long it's all organic and low on salts.
Trimming off fan leaves I'd say is not a good idea. But I'd sure would like to see you do the test so I could advice others on this next time with more confidence.
When is cutting fan's a good idea? > When you don't have enough soil in your pots to sustain a healthy rhizosphere later on when the plant is supposed to bud out. (eg, when roots are getting too crowded for the size of your pots)
I always say that 40 liter of soil per plant is the minimal most safe amount of soil to avoid trouble later on with these auto's.
But you are using much less than 40 liter per plant, so who knows it could even be a good thing somehow.
Looking out for the results of your test. ^^ Cuz testing is where it was all about in the first place rite ?
All I know is that these plants have been subdued to a very harsh 'survival of the fittest' method of breeding, and therefore I know for a fact that these are some of the most vigorous monsters you could run into if it comes to root making.
Rather keep it down with the (epsom) salts or Ca/mg DABaracus.
But ya got to double or triple up on organic feed. > The lighter turning growth tips and inner leaves are a clear tell tale for that.
These plants can handle huge amounts of feed, actually even like it a lot! > Just so long it's all organic and low on salts.
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