Aussie organic soil

Feb 17, 2017
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Hi all, just wanted to share my experience for any newer Aussie growers out there looking to try and make a quality organic soil.

After my first grow (a photo og kush in dwc) I was looking to move to organic soil. I started looking at subcool's mix. This got me reading more recipes and now I'm totally hooked on learning about soil. A lot of the ingredients listed in various recipes in forums are very difficult to source in Aus. So if you're like me and are looking for a quality mix of ingredients that can (mostly) be found at your local garden centre or Bunnings, below is my first recipe which will evolve. Hope it helps.

Organic compost 6l - Bunnings or garden centre

Worm castings 6l - gumtree

Coco coir 6l - Bunnings, garden centre or hydro store

Perlite 6l - Bunnings, garden centre or hydro store

Blood and bone 600g - Bunnings or garden centre

Dolomite lime 120g - Bunnings or garden centre

Rock dust fert 40g -

Sea bird guano 280gm - Bunnings (richgro organic phosphorus fert)

Epsom salt 30gm - Bunnings or garden centre

Seamungus (seaweed, fish, humic acid) 500gm (optional but get a source of humic acid) - Bunnings

Mycorrhizal fungi 60gm - EBay/online

Journal will start in a month after letting the mix compost for 30+ days. Feel free to share your experience, recipes or feedback!
G'Day Noons , welcome . I too make my own soil and source as much as I can from around the yard , There is a list in - specialised growing section - all components of the soil are Australian products . I am soon to use my first soil on Auto's and water only . :thumbsup:
hey guys,

i just finished a soil grow

My base soil was debco organic, good stuff.

Be wary of Seamungus, I think it is slow release and some say slow release not ideal for autos as N will be to high in flowering. I wanted to use it but decided against it. I use thier GoGo juice as base veg nutes.

hey guys,

i just finished a soil grow

My base soil was debco organic, good stuff.

Be wary of Seamungus, I think it is slow release and some say slow release not ideal for autos as N will be to high in flowering. I wanted to use it but decided against it. I use thier GoGo juice as base veg nutes.

oh dear.... I used the above ratio in a smaller batch. Think I should start again without it?
Not sure bro, some say no to slow release, others use slow release ferts in thier soil mixes but I had some ealy trouble with aquaponics and to much N during flowering, I had to do a work around to reduce N to be successfull.

EDIT: Ok looked it up, not slow release so all good, NPK =

Nitrogen Analysis (N)
Phosphorus Analysis (P)
Potassium Analysis (K)
Added Wetting Agent
Added Trace Elements

Should be all good, just take into account total NPK for your mix and get some test strips I guess

I use also use Trichoderma and diotomacious earth

you might find some interesting reading HERE (although I believe there was some problems with some of thier product lines and cirtification or somthing) next grow I am going to use thier Platform product.

good reading in there, for all the symbiotic shit going on in the rhizosphere.


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G'Day Noons , welcome . I too make my own soil and source as much as I can from around the yard , There is a list in - specialised growing section - all components of the soil are Australian products . I am soon to use my first soil on Auto's and water only . :thumbsup:
Awesome! I'll have a read. Our grows will probably be at the same time, hope to see some updates
Not sure bro, some say no to slow release, others use slow release ferts in thier soil mixes but I had some ealy trouble with aquaponics and to much N during flowering, I had to do a work around to reduce N to be successfull.

EDIT: Ok looked it up, not slow release so all good, NPK =

Nitrogen Analysis (N)
Phosphorus Analysis (P)
Potassium Analysis (K)
Added Wetting Agent
Added Trace Elements

Should be all good, just take into account total NPK for your mix and get some test strips I guess

I use also use Trichoderma and diotomacious earth

you might find some interesting reading HERE (although I believe there was some problems with some of thier product lines and cirtification or somthing) next grow I am going to use thier Platform product.

good reading in there, for all the symbiotic shit going on in the rhizosphere.


Thanks mate, appreciate you checking. I thought it was okay but I really am just learning so wasn't sure. Thanks for the link too, reading through it now