Grow Mediums Attempting 2nd Grow for the 4th time :)

So even though im flushing the plant for 2 weeks to use the nutes in the leafs you think i shouldn't start the flush for a few days yet?

You gotta look at the trichromes. The trichromes speak the truth! You said in one of your posts the other day you wanted couchlock. How pissed would you be is you ended up with some crazy trippy bouncing off the walls uppy high because you cut to early?
I took pictures of all the me they all look Cloudy with 10 percent amber

doesnt it go clear = trippy
cloudy = stone
amber = sleepy

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@jtrain252 if those things do what I think they will you should have about that much wet weight I really think you are going to have like 40 10 gram buds or so give or take, but hey what do I know lol. Also yes the trichs will help with when you should harvest based on how the trichs are colored but it is not the only thing I look at. Once those pistols switch to about 75-80% orange and the trichs are 30% clear then flush, at that time the buds should be swole
@jtrain252 if those things do what I think they will you should have about that much wet weight I really think you are going to have like 40 10 gram buds or so give or take, but hey what do I know lol. Also yes the trichs will help with when you should harvest based on how the trichs are colored but it is not the only thing I look at. Once those pistols switch to about 75-80% orange and the trichs are 30% clear then flush, at that time the buds should be swole
sigh i guess ill wait.........................................::cries::
sigh i guess ill wait.........................................::cries::

Yup Dwc tends to take a bit longer to mature ..But i'm curious to see if shes got another good blast in her yet ..most of mine i can get one good swell before there done if i wait long enough. keep an eye on those ppms at her late stage things can change abruptly especially if she comes out of her zone ph swings etc they can become grabby (?) and unbalance things.

The led will make em more dense they say ,so i think the'll be heavy buds.. i haven't witnessed it yet but i will this next harvest as I'm on led at the moment.

wow that's a lot of trikes shes a serious kinda girl ain't she ;)
Day 86

Yesterday i gave her a gallon of straight ro took ppms down to 500. This morning they were 540 so i took them down again. Only feed her with 400ppm. Ph dropped to 5.3 again so i upped it to 6.0.
I think Wed im going to start the flush especially if im going to flush for about 2 weeks. This last week her ppms and her ph have become unstable so im hoping during the 2 week flush she fattens up.
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That is exactly what you need to do my friend, I promise I will not advise that you keep her on a regular diet past Wednesday. You can make your plans to start your flush on Wednesday and then plan on a full 14 day flush(Now she may actually finish faster than that like day 10 or so) and I think you will have given her all you and she has got. Great job and you are almost there my friend. Oh and how was the little stolen popcorn nug you stole and dried and smoked?
Day 86

Yesterday i gave her a gallon of straight ro took ppms down to 500. This morning they were 540 so i took them down again. Only feed her with 400ppm. Ph dropped to 5.3 again so i upped it to 6.0.
I think Wed im going to start the flush especially if im going to flush for about 2 weeks. This last week her ppms and her ph have become unstable so im hoping during the 2 week flush she fattens up.

Yup i can say for me at least for the girls I've grown 400ppm at this stage is well smack on,they really just want a ton of water right now but she will get potassium hungry also in spurts and keep blooming so you may notice those changes i was on about..

Its more of a case of when production becomes so little that it's counter productive to keep her around and not another girl in her place time wise. With some Dwc plants its been speculated whether they will even stop at all or just keep flowering. They wanna live forever like spartans ;) haha.
That is exactly what you need to do my friend, I promise I will not advise that you keep her on a regular diet past Wednesday. You can make your plans to start your flush on Wednesday and then plan on a full 14 day flush(Now she may actually finish faster than that like day 10 or so) and I think you will have given her all you and she has got. Great job and you are almost there my friend. Oh and how was the little stolen popcorn nug you stole and dried and smoked?
I cut off a quarter ounce wet when i dried it was enough to roll a zig zag joint. (Rolling machine) smelled fruity smoked half gave the other half to my mom. It crept up on me like i was sitting going this isnt good and then boom i had the giggles watching anchorman too. Lasted about 2 hours or so. I thought it was good