Grow Mediums Attempting 2nd Grow for the 4th time :)

I dont care if i need to use bloom or veg i just want these damn calmag deficiency to stop.

I didnt know it should swing i thought the whole point was to be stabilized. The whole grow its been 5.8/5.9 93% of the time........For the issue im having would a lower PH be better or a Higher PH. Im going to empty the rez sunday Ill take pictures u tell me if you think im in bloom or if i should be using Veg.
Ph holding at 5.6
PPM's at 880
I put 2ml of calimagic into a liter squirt bottle sprayed the tops and half he underside of the plant to hopefully get her to drink it in
Ph this morning went from 5.5 to 5.8 where it most likely will hold and 860ppm
Plant has hit 17inchs

At 1pm I'm going to foliar spray calmag one more time, top off with .5 gallon of water and hope
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Ok last update till Sunday wish her luck
Day 41
PPM's 880
Ph 5.8
Rez 70
Tent 76
Light 24 inches
Humidity 57
Plant height 18inches
I put 2ml of calmag into a liter spray bottle last night I gave her a fine mist this morning with lights off I sprayed her heavy underneath her skirt.
1 added 1 gallon of water back to the rez 5ml of calmag and 3ml of nutes ppms now 920
Hoping the spray calmag will keep her deficiency at bay I only added veg formula to give her a final boost before Sunday. If she blooms I'll go full bloom if not back to veg.

Wish her luck
If you think your pH is going to stabilize at 5.8 then I would say bump it up to 6.1 and leave it til morning then repeat by starting at 5.6 and at midday or whenever she gets to 5.8 or 5.9 let her sit for a couple hours there then bump it up
If you think your pH is going to stabilize at 5.8 then I would say bump it up to 6.1 and leave it til morning then repeat by starting at 5.6 and at midday or whenever she gets to 5.8 or 5.9 let her sit for a couple hours there then bump it up
I could in the morning. Before work set it to 5.5 when I get home 10 hours later bump it to 6.1 overnight then repeat
I could in the morning. Before work set it to 5.5 when I get home 10 hours later bump it to 6.1 overnight then repeat

Yep exactly! like I said it is kind of a pain in the arse but it is totally worth it to know that your babies are getting everything they need, including Calcium and Magnesium.
I would actually say to set it low in the morning and when you get home from work check and make sure she is back up to 5.8 or 5.9 and then before you go to bed bump it up to 6.1 then repeat. The reason being is you want to make sure that it sits in the "stable" range for a couple of hours before you bump it up so that you can make sure they get all of the nutes they need from being at the lower pH
@derek420colorado @dcat0921 @Anasazi @Waira mother r dumped my clear rez in my rez ladt night I had to emergency run home dump the rez sit the plant in tap for an hour redo veg nutes to 900.

Plant has more calmag spots even after the spraying I don't know what to do now I see a lot of curling down brown tips and calmag spots. She dumped like 5x the dose of clear rez in there thinking it was water to top iff.

I think I may be fucked help 20160508_092635.jpg 20160508_092644.jpg 20160508_092405.jpg 20160508_092358.jpg's F&@Ked for sure. Just chop it and start over!

............No .....really I said before....chill the F%@K out already! Take a step back and get yourself together. You just keep jacking around with this poor thing and are literally hen pecking it to death. It's time to switch over to BLOOM. Your leaves are screaming at you and you just look the other way and keep on pounding her. Tip burn and now the whole plant is showing signs of leaf clawing. Make a new bucket with only this ....BLOOM, Cal/Mag and your Hydroguard...nothing else!!!!! With a PPM of 725 and PH 5.8. Between the BLOOM(4-8-7) and the Cal/Mag you still are getting a pretty high douse of nitrogen so you no longer need the GROW. The Cal/Mag spots are the result of 1 of 2 things. 1) it really does want more(inexpensive LED's suck the calcium out of plants, my MarsHydro300w sure does) it is what it is. A calcium def. is NOT doing to kill your plant, ugly leaves are not going to wreck a plant. Just go look at my last Cherry Bomb(won Aprils BOM/POM contest) leaves are ugly as hell due to cal/mag. Massive yield...7.95 oz dry....2) it's so locked out from all the newbie jacking you are doing. You gotta get in touch with the basics and rock that shit like a BOSS before you go tossing all this other stuff in the brew.....Diamond Nector, RapidStart....goodness sack got some Koi fish in your bucket? You are making a problem out of things that aren't even a problem. Example Clear Rez! You are using Hydroguard, that is protecting your bucket. If I recall from a P.M. you sent me you are using Clear Rez to clean your spare buckets correct? That's fine.....totally not needed though. So now your mom goes and basically tops off your current rez with it. My question is why was there a bucket of it just sitting around? If you want to clean you bucket give it a rinse with plain water and that is all that is needed. If that Clear Rez was not sitting around you would not be freaking out like I am sure you are right like I said you made a problem out of one that did not exist to start with.

You gotta ignore the GH charts!!! They do NOT have a chart for a DWC AUTOFLOWERING cannabis plant!!!! At 1600PPM you should be very lucky that plant is not a pile of crispy leaves.

A little more on the calcium problem. I had been growing with a MarsHydro 300w old model(180w). Keeping a normal cal/Mag feed rate would keep my plants happy till they grew to a distance of 18" or less from the light. Then no matter how much cal/mag I fed them they will start to stress. It's just how it is. Yield sure didn't seem to be effected. Just how the plant reacts to the spectrum of these LED fixtures. I have learned the cause of my problem and I have learned to live with it. Yours may be reacting in the same manner to the light you are using.

Please ...please understand I am not trying to be a "Mood killer" like someone else called me. I am just trying to keep you on track and it seems like you have yourself going down a rabbit hole a lot. Bucket changes every couple of days it seems and them you chase your PH.....guess why! Sometimes a little straight forward advice can help.