Grow Mediums Attempting 2nd Grow for the 4th time :)

Um I need to go and look around to try and see how much to use cause I can't remember off the top of my head. If you look around in the infirmary threads and do a search for Epsom salt you should come up with something, but let me try and find out how much I used

Just be're gonna shit yourself when you see the increased air's amazing but totally worth it.

Hi there,forgive me because i did not read the entire thread being so long and all but i thought i might be able to help a little, i think the plants locked out because those ppms are just to high and you seem to have gotten yourself into a bit of a mess ,don't get me wrong I'm a beginner as well but probably more qualified than some simply because I have only freshly had all these issues and worked through them recently haha :s.
I think you may need to: once again empty the res i know it sucks and it gets expensive.
Drop those ppms right down to a safe auto ultimate is on about 1.3ec (700ish ppms) quite happily and eats down to about 300 ppm by change day. (this is a large auto in full bloom) I would perhaps start yours at maybe 400ppms and work up once shes healed.
I top up with Cal-mag half way through and just give plain PH water dayly. I never top up with nutes (sometimes il add extra overdrive in bloom and extra voodoo in seedling that's all) as not to throw the balance out it keeps my head clear of nonsense and numbers and saves me nutes.
Don't think u can push them by taking nutes to the limit it dosnt work that way "less is always more in DWC", they simply take what's needed from the bucket regardless of whats in there ,it will still suck it up in the plants normal syphon action however will simply burn when the mix is to hot.

We all have our own way of doing things,i recently spoke to someone that consider's themselves a master grower but fails to follow almost all rules set out by others ,I dont agree or disagree hahaha but just keep it real to what I know to be true and keep an ear to the floor.
I hope this helps mate any questions that a noob can answer hit me up I'm a pretty good noob ;). GL
Now I have a issue it's slowly getting worse. Original mix had 5ml of calimagic per gallon total ppms of my rez were 1600ppms then I added ro to bring it down to 900......I'm slowly getting more brown spots at random on her mid to upper growth. Can this really be a calmag deficiency at 5ml a gallon using ro water. Everyone says I'm over feeding but this has started ever since she started to flower never got the spots in veg 20160503_235948.jpg 20160503_235958.jpg 20160504_000013.jpg 20160504_000018.jpg
Gh schedule says 5ml per gallon people tell me 3ml per I've read people using up to 10ml I'm so confused

Essentially how to I figure out if I'm
A underfeeding calmag
B overfeeding calmag
C locking it out due to pH
My ph has been 5.7 up to 6.0 and then always brought back to 5.8 should i raise it to 6.1 or 6.w I've read calcium is best absorbed higher up.
Do I use more then 5ml a gallon
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Man the Calmag deficiency is a real thing, I need to go back and check but if I am not mistaken calcium and magnesium are available to the plant at different pH's so you might have to do a little pH adjusting in order to nail the pH and get the plant the ability to abosorb the Cal and Mag. I don't know how this would work with AN pH perfect though. Also you did try the Epsom salt right? I would say keep adding the cal mag if you are seeing a problem and if 10ml per l doesn't work I would start to look at pH then if not that then look at a manganese deficiency as being the problem
And now I just looked at the pictures, man stop trippin lol those look like splash marks from some water that had nutes in it or a couple of droplets that magnified the light and caused a little spot burn. That does not look like a CalMag def to me. it starts out more toward the center of the leaves and works its way out. I think you are fine and should stay at 5ml
I don't know man its toward the top of the plant near the fan not the newest growth but top middle.....I'll keep an eye out cause I'm not sure how it would have gotten's hard for me to get the pH to drift after 24 hours it pretty much dials in at 5.9. I'm not using AN I'm using GH NUTES
And now I just looked at the pictures, man stop trippin lol those look like splash marks from some water that had nutes in it or a couple of droplets that magnified the light and caused a little spot burn. That does not look like a CalMag def to me. it starts out more toward the center of the leaves and works its way out. I think you are fine and should stay at 5ml
Day 39
Temp 77
rez temp 72
Humidity 50
Ph 5.8
PPM 910------Dead on for 2 days
I lost a gallon of water so i topped up.
Full Strength mix 4ml Grow/4ml Bloom/5ml Calmag/2ml hydroguard/1ml Rapidstart/5ml DiamondNectar/1/2tsp Pondzyme at 1600ppms
My strength Mix 2.5mlGrow/2.5ml Bloom/3mlCalmag/2ml Hydroguar/1ml Rapidstart/5ml Diamond nectar/1/2tsp Pondzyme at 940ppms
Added that gallon back in Roots are massive the dark parts stayed dark but all the new roots are pretty white, The spots i saw havent progressed but i know the exact leaves they are on so i will be following them to make sure nothing bad happens. Im not gonna touch her till Friday ill top her back off with 940ppm and then leave her until Sunday. Plant has reached ABOUT 16in

THESE DAMN PICTURES KEEP POPPING UP SIDEWAYS THEY are the correct way on my computer but on here they go sideways
Dude she's looking great! She's gonna be a good harvest for sure!! Not too wide which I think is good. Looks to be lots of flower sites which is a good thing.
@jtrain252 man she is looking fantastic! I would totally keep an eye on those spots, but if they haven't progressed in the last 24 hours I think you are good as far as it being a Calmag def. you would be amazed at how water can get splashed even all the way up there. I think she is about to start poppin out pistols and I think you are going to have one hell of a harvest on your hands sir
No the spots are definitely getting worse but slowly they start off like this 1462451168855-414198989.jpg
And progress to this not sure what to do


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@jtrain252 man she is looking fantastic! I would totally keep an eye on those spots, but if they haven't progressed in the last 24 hours I think you are good as far as it being a Calmag def. you would be amazed at how water can get splashed even all the way up there. I think she is about to start poppin out pistols and I think you are going to have one hell of a harvest on your hands sir
Ppm also dropped from 940 to 860 should i add more calmag or more nutes