Indoor As anyone use this CANNACURE

Feb 3, 2011
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:howdy: iv just been reading about this cannacure,as any use this thought there grow
it seem new so not sure anyone try it sound good but they all do,here what it say
User Intructions

  • Dilution rate: 330 ml to 1 litre water
  • Spray minimal once a week, up unti l harvest
  • Apply using a fine sprayer, to maximise effectiveness
  • Do not prepare the solution for more than ten days in advance
  • Do not use together with products containing hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
  • Do not mix with any other product – mix only with water
  • Use CANNACURE along with your nutrients or other feed
any info be grat :peace:
moring buddha man hope all good bro, heres a link it sound good but im not sure what in it and you can you when in flowering but not sure about it need input on it
just found this still sound good

Pests are a continual consideration for all hydroponic gardeners, whether it is spider mites, aphids or gnats, an infestation can devastate your crop to the point when all there is left is to start again. Fortunately there are enough pest control options out there on the market to help you keep those pesky little mites away from your favourite crops.
One of the newest pest control products out on the market is Canna Cure. Canna has a good reputation for producing a range of 100% natural, environmentally friendly products which they have recently supplemented with a new multi-purpose pest control and growth additive.
According to Canna, Canna Cure works in 2 main ways. Firstly it controls a wide variety of common pests such as spider mites, mealy bugs and white-flies, whilst simultaneously preventing mildew. Secondly, the formulation acts as a leaf nutrient, helping to stimulate plant growth. It is simply applied using a spray applicator.
Acting as both a preventative and pest control measure Canna Cure places a “second skin” on the leaves of your plants which is breathable and does not hinder the absorption of nutrients. This second skin stops pests from making contact with the leaves and will deal with heavy infestations by sticking the pests to the leaves, preventing them from “functioning properly”.
Whilst this may sound as though this second skin may be harmful, The eco credentials of Canna Cure profess that the additive will not harm the environment or even your health, as it relies upon a physical action and the creation of this second skin, rather than a chemical reaction to control pests and prevent mildew.
As a natural solution that will not affect the taste or nutritional values of crops Canna Cure certainly has its benefits and a multi-purpose pest controller and as long as it is applied thoroughly (on both the upper and lower leaf surfaces) it should deliver effective protection from those little blighters.