Outdoor Arctic OD 2010, lat 70 north

Jan 24, 2011
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Hey guys, i thought id share some experiences from last years OD grow. I tried planting some regular commercial autos outdoors at latitude 69-70 north in arctic Scandinavia.

First ever outdoor, so no laffin pls :D Im very sensitive about my plants..
hehe.. no not at all, any critique is very appreciated.

Truth be told, i made many mistakes and learned many lessons... killed many plants, the ones that lived were mostly immature. My biggest mistakes was choosing bad spots and overnuting, i used pellets from AN and didnt know how damn strong they were. Since most of my plants turned out not so photogenic, i didnt bother to take many pictures, in fact i only have pics from one of my spots, but here are some for you.

Sowing time: last week in may, preveg indoors in 1L pots for ca 3-4wks
Planted out: Last week in june
Harvested: Sept 3-13
Light regime: midnight sun ( sun is continuously above horizon) from may 22 to july 22, after that approx 10 minutes less sunlight every day successively.

Location: Lat 70 north, Arctic Scandinavia

Temps: Avg temps is the black line and last years temps is the colored line. If you look closely at this chart you will notice that it was colder then avg right around the time i planted out in late june and it was colder then avg in that critical time in late august just before harvest. This surely affected my results, its worth mentioning that last summer was catastrophic for the local agriculture with alot of failed crops due to bad weather.

Habitat: Pine and birch forest, alpine terrain w peaks at 1000-2000m, treeline ca 200m coastal- 700m sheltered inland valleys



Strains: Div commercially available autos, there was a mixup of strains when planting out on this spot so im not sure whats what in the pictures. If i recall correctly, this spot in the pics below had purple mazar, short term amnezia, sour 60 and speedy G. This was a northward facing spot so the plants on this spot turned out large/tall/branchy and immature. Pics from right before harvest time, you can see the frost damage on them from some cold early september nights and how overnuted they were.



This particular plant below was the one that matured best of the strains we tried. I think it was a homemade danish cross, blueryderxeasyryder




I think this was the short term amnezia, im sure it would have done much better on a southward facing spot.


Oki, only had pics from this spot, i also had other spots where there were more and less degrees of failure :D much much improvement can be made.

Wish me better luck this year, ill try to make some OD crosses once i find some strains that will finish well up here.

Peace all, happy growing season :)
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Cool to see you on here Arcticsun. I have a feeling your grow will be a lot better this year. Sending sunny weather vibes ur way.
Thanks hookahittah :) Nice to see you too bud :buds:

Ive got a better feeling about this year aswell, so far we have sown the following auto strains for this season.

Strains 2011 season

me + friend 1 (sown may 9th, have surfaced):

36 pehkuruders
2 dieselryders
1 lr2
1 ak47
1 easyryderXblueryder

me + friend 2 (sown may 8th, have surfaced)

25 pehkuruders
20 div unknown autos i was given by a friend
11 short term amnezia

(sown today, not surfaced yet)

8 jet 47
3 purple mazar
2 speedy gonzales
4 wild ruderalis, Russia, baikal
3 biddy sister/ruderalis
3 early misty/ruderalis Ukraine
4 pehkuruder/finx f1
6 sour 60
7 auto ak47, (acclimatized od Finland)
7 autoak47xNYCDxbluestreak
8 short term amnezia
18 sweetheart f2

Im counting 17 strains not including an unknown number of strains among the 20 div autos and over 125 autos beans put in soil for the od so far.

So lets hope for a good summer up north :D

Peace all :toke:
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Damn quite a selection you got there... good luck cant wait to see the progress. I'm about to get my garden started as well, should have some beans in the ground in the next few days...
Allright! Looks like you're in Norway =P

I'm close to your area allthough more to the east. You get a lot of mist and fog on the coast which might be a reason to worry about mould. Over to the east we don't have that problem although spring is slower for us and I guess we have to be more worried about frost than you guys.

So that grow was actually done at lat 70 degrees North? Interesting, that means cannabis has trully reached all corners of the world! From tropical strains to arctic strains!

You should try LR Purple Jems this year. It should do well under your conditions I think.
Im here.......

The pictures of your country is spectacular :drool: . The weather around there makes things challenging. I'm sure you r grow will be better this time because we all get better with practice. Good luck and I'm here for the party. :smokebuds: :bong: :pimp:
No harvest pictures? Jag vill se resultaten, växte dom bra??? I started to read this thread full of hope, you have no idea about how disappointing it was to find out that there were no updates, no harvest... I'll be moving to sweden "soon" and I have a great aficcion by the great north (its sad that my wife prefers the south, tough)!

:) It's quite extreme your weather conditions, but you're doing great! Atleast what I saw in the pictures is just beautiful! Some great bud!

How much is the temperature variation during the harvest season? I see it tends to be cold, because the leaves are "rolling up", bending... this makes me believe that either the plant is having hard time to breath or to transpirate... (but still I am a first time grower, all my "Knowledge" comes from reading forums and I might as well be just totally WRONG).

How are you fertilizing them???
sorry guys, i forgot about this thread, these picture are from the 2010 grow..

ill make a growreport from the 2011 grow when they have been harvested :D