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Well, see, I was trying out this "mass alert" thing in the control panel. Decided to do a test. Decided (for whatever reason) to put a message to tag me here. Decided for whatever to "send all" to as part of the test. 21,000 alerted members later.... whooooooops. :rofl: I bet we'll be seeing people tagging me about that a year from now. It's more funny now then when I first realized what I had done.
It fills in the blank spots really well too!
The card writing is a bit weak, but if you zoom you can see it says....

"Merry Xmas - AFN Festvus - from Frogster & Friend".

She doesn't like her bed being messed with...

Awww she's cute!!
on the first day Festivus
I want it all
same for the rest of the days

I know I know I know
gotta work
on my attitude
Yeah, don't give up the day job man, it's a tough business writing Christmas carols and the like, vicious man, I would hate to see you get hurt for the want of more practice.
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