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Gonna have to go literal on this.:crying:
When the monster refers to himself as "Adam of your labors" the labors that were referred to were Dr. Frankenstein's labors and Adam refers to the first man that was created by God in the book of Genesis.
The monster therefore is the first man created by Dr Frankenstein's labors!
They now share a house at number 22 Acacia Avenue In Leeds and enjoy crossword puzzles and crochet!
They also have a dog called flump who suffers from chronic canine flatulence, who can power a skate board solely by his ultra violent arse trumps.
and they grow ganja in a shed out the back
You missed a spot. :biggrin:
Screw it, let's just get high!:bighug:

Herman Munster on the other hand what a dude!

Had the vid going, listening while I scrolled the rest of the page. This gif with the Cheech and Chong song is a great combo. :crying::crying::crying:
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