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@JM , man what a nice surprise. How are you these days?

I am well... and you guys? I heard your interview... right on point! :smokeit:

Sorry to hear that doc! You should try Turmeric and Ginger. I have a ton of arthritis.. So does the lady.. We've been using that combo for yrs and it works better than an anti inflammatory
yep... good ones.... :check:

I use black seed oil. Will go to my arab friend and get a bottle soon.
Oil of the seeds from Nigella sativa. If you know an arab shop, you will get it. I have treated many with it. All of them could either discondtinue prednisolon treatment or reduce dose. I got monthly prednisolon shots until I read about the Nigella.

yep... black seed oil in my coffee everyday... and 2 plantings of Nigella Sativa in my greenhouse... I'm glad there are others onto this.. :cheer:
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