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never heard of them guys,thats pretty chilled out stuff.future sound of london,orbital,spiritulized i was quite into in my youth.

Just been having a PM with @arty zan about them, they were and still are favorites of mine from the UK festival scene of the 90s and REALLY hope to get to see them again another day soon ;)

Orbital and FSOL are another couple i loved to listen to back in the day, if you like them after me and Artys discussion should check out Eat Static, Hawkwind and Shpongle for a good dose of chilled psychedelic mind play, i am sure each time i listen to their songs depending on how stoned i am the sounds and backgrounds noises change everytime.

Also sounds like with your weather report a stoned psychedelic session warm indoors could be just what the doctor ordered.
never heard of them guys,thats pretty chilled out stuff.future sound of london,orbital,spiritulized i was quite into in my youth.
Very nice selection of bands Archie I'm guessing you must also like Sonic Boom, Spectrum & E.A.R (Experimental Audio Research) all off shoot of Spacemen3.
I absolutely adore Spacemen3 such beautiful dirgy drones and mellow psychedelia.
Also if you like FSOL then is is possible you like their psychedelic alter ego Amorphous Androgynous?
Awesome thank you @Spanglish :bighug::pass::cheers:

Enjoy, i have already got the misses moaning at me to turn it off. Well know what i will be listening tomorrow when alone feeding my girlies and preparing for the 1L the girls chop (not that she has got many leaves to clean left really lol)

After you mentioned Shpongle i had a look around and hell yeah i remeber them uses to spend hours listening to the Are you Scpongled album in my friends room munching on mushrooms (those where the days when you could buy them on Ebay and have them delivered in 2 days)
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