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Guys and gals some pretty cool things happening in the DIY light section. converting lights, building new ones, sourcing parts.

Unless your 100% satisfied with your yield and electric bill I'd be heading over. :smoking:
You got my attention!! You know what im after from our previous discussion..thanks for the reminder
That's awesome! There's a lot of taboo related to pot, especially for their generation. Actually, I watched a stoner movie with mom yesterday, Canna Boy, and after the movie, she turned to me and said: "So, what's the actual problem with pot? When I was young, they said it was bad because it made people become violent and involved in crime. But then we saw that most people who did pot were really laid back and not violent at all, usually their only crime was to buy pot. But then they said pot smokers were a burden because it made people too lazy to work. That didn't make sense, either, since I've known lots of pot smokers who held jobs and were responsible people all their lives. So, what's the problem?"

Strangely enough, I didn't have a solid answer for her. I told her that probably someone had a very bad experience with pot or a pot smoker and decided to start a war against it during the prohibition. Since we're so laid back, only now we're standing up for the right to do it. Now, the drunks got their shit back years and years ago!
The stigma around pot is a very hard one to break. The fact my dad is as open as he is, is very astounding. I actually had a hard time when I first started using cannabis to get off all of the pills the VA had me on. In my mind, I was a "druggy", sitting around all day doing "drugs". See, I was raised in conservative Idaho, most of my friends were Mormons and pot was heavily stigmatized. I was introduced to it when we moved to Arizona, but I always had a job through high school, and was drug tested on occasion. Following high school, I joined the military, and more stigma!!

It took me about 2 years to get over that "druggy" feeling. Part of that probably has to do with the fact that I didn't hang out with anyone who smoked. Now....its basically no holds barred for me! I am more than ecstatic with the fact I am on almost ZERO Va meds and use only cannabis for what ails me...and I am thriving!! With the pills...I was just "getting by"....but I am now living again! I do hope that cannabis can be brought the rest of the way out of the shadows, and the rest of our society can enjoy this plant like we do. It could be the next step that this country needs.....
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