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:pighug: :pass: @Dinafem-Mark -- hey brudda, thank you for swinging by again for more time on the grill! We haven't chatted yet, so Welcome again, and we are STOKED to have Dinafem here with AFN- :d5: :bow:

.... I do have some brain picking for you... I'm an outdoor grower, in a coastal central CA climate: mild temps, often partly foggy Summer days/nights, Fall clears out the fog but nights cooler, and late season, the cool and RH become highly mold promoting... botrytis is my [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] nemesis by harvest...
:greencheck: what strains do you have that are more resistant to this?
:greencheck: I think i saw one of your strains that was pretty close to her landrace roots, and had elevated THCV content,.. which one was this?
no mate but I know someone with a Lazy eye, does that count?
Why you gotta go there?? I can help it.. it's called amblyopia.
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