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Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end...

It's almost Friday here!

I'm fantastic! Thanks for asking!
So the time are almost same, I'm also excited for this week my friend will come to see me. God! long time no see her!
@912GreenSkell, did you get one of the new max scripts? Mine came in 20g/day lol but I heard there is a doc on skype out of victoria doing 40g/day $350 per year. I guess it's for total plant use not just buds but could be just buds... I dont want that many plants 100 but I love the stash weight of 600g
Been reading up on Savannah cats. Want one so bad. One day if I ever have the space and the resources I'll have to get one.

Anyhow...they crossed African serval cats with domestic breeds, then stabilized over a few generations to make the largest domestic cat breed...

I had friends in NY that had 2 and they are awesome but they are wicked hyper and climb everything. Very wild lol at least their two were... Bad ass for sure!!
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