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GOOOOOOOOOD MORNING AFN! Here is a early morning Colorado sunrise for everyone to start their day with, it is after all how I get to wake up everday lol. I know @trailanimal will like this one. Sorry for the shitty pictures, I AM going to get a decent camera hopefully this week
no pic, better head over to Dream Farm and check
She's a long cool woman in a pant dress but check out her buds.:biggrin:
do not ask tell your doctor you want to grow your owm medicine it is between you and your doctor you have the right to grow 5 plants indoor for medical use if your doctor will not comply get a hold of your MP or find a doctor willing to fill out for a few bucks more then the going rate there out there.

Well if they write me a prescription then I am legally allowed to have that prescription no?? Cause that is all u need.. and it's between health Canada and yourself I believe.. once you have the document u just go on the website and register, I don't believe the doctor has anything to do with that part once the prescription has been given.. I could be wrong but that's what I'm getting from the forms I'm reading
do not ask tell your doctor you want to grow your owm medicine it is between you and your doctor you have the right to grow 5 plants indoor for medical use if your doctor will not comply get a hold of your MP or find a doctor willing to fill out for a few bucks more then the going rate there out there. Just remember it is your right to grow by the highest court in Canada and will not be challenged if they are willing to presribe tweed weed then say no I want to grow my own medicine simple as that. Just like anything else pharmacutical there will be expense paid trip for the doctor or something like that compliments of the weed supplier so do not let them talk you into it.
Yes that's exactly what I thought because tweed weed is exactly what they are trying to push on me
Not saying that at all. Rosin pressing is absolutely awesome!! I'm just doing a little science lab stuff with trying fresh frozen versus dried and cured bud. Basically some "no one as far as I can tell has done things quite this way so let's go off script and see what happens just for the hell of it" testing. :fire:
Oh . It was a joke !!
It is your doctor that will prescribe it a private company will fill the script I have family members on the program. They were given a script it was then given to TWEED a pot medical pot growing company you get your script via pulator. This way the doctor does not deal with the federal goverment I am not sure about the site. I will check that out but you are right once prescribed it is now up to you on how you want to get it simple as that just do not let a doctor try and convince you to use one of the big pharmasutical providers.
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