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Coy wolves yeah same thing brother dam scary bunch. The noise they make when going in for a kill is just brutal. I honestly did not think there was that big of a population. They were first spotted around Algonquin national park in Ontario about 25 years ago give or take a few. From what I have read on them @trailanimal
Coy wolves yeah same thing brother dam scary bunch. The noise they make when going in for a kill is just brutal. I honestly did not think there was that big of a population. They were first spotted around Algonquin national park in Ontario about 25 years ago give or take a few. From what I have read on them @trailanimal
I saw on a show the eastern wolves breed with coyotes and the western wolves kill coyotes
such a long summer made lots of spruce seeds, the squirrels and grosbeaks are happy
I saw on a show the eastern wolves breed with coyotes and the western wolves kill coyotes
eastern wolves are just a horny bunch lol. I was 200 kilometers into the interior of Quebec a few years back snowmobiling and saw the biggest TIMBER wolf in my lifetime so far what a big majestic animal. I know sooner seen that then I came up on a pair of LYNX huge too. what a day that was got to love wild life
eastern wolves are just a horny bunch lol. I was 200 kilometers into the interior of Quebec a few years back snowmobiling and saw the biggest TIMBER wolf in my lifetime so far what a big majestic animal. I know sooner seen that then I came up on a pair of LYNX huge too. what a day that was got to love wild life
a good day, lynx are real secretive
no mt lion up here, they need deer
We have a healthy deer and elk population they reintroduced Elk years ago we now have a very limited lottery draw to hunt them. Did you know the wolf's shit has spores in it that when a elk smells it they get into there lungs and ruins there ability to breath right making them easier to kill.
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