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Goooood evening AFN, I am sick and it sucks. I tried to go to the Dr but there was a2 hour wait so it is just me stuck in my sicky misery but the babies look good and it just goes back to my fundamental philosophy if you love what you do you never have to work, I would have called in sick twice to a regular job lol

Hope ya' get to feeling better. I'll make ya' up some frosin here in a little bit when the adulting is done to see if that can cure what ails ya'. :pass:

Meanwhile...laughter is the best medicine cuteness break...

That's beautiful man..

Thanks Step!

Our little slice of Appalachia! :pass: I was out setting the game cams as I've recorded some wicked Coywolves on audio and my neighbors have been hearing a mountain lion so I'm trying to get it on the cams and audio... Wanna hear the Coywolves?
Thanks Step!

Our little slice of Appalachia! :pass: I was out setting the game cams as I've recorded some wicked Coywolves on audio and my neighbors have been hearing a mountain lion so I'm trying to get it on the cams and audio... Wanna hear the Coywolves?
Yeah, do it up..
That's awesome, I got a good sized grey wolf lives around here somewhere. He ain't come around much since we got the dog.
That's awesome, I got a good sized grey wolf lives around here somewhere. He ain't come around much since we got the dog.

Awesome! Yeah that last part of part one you can hear my neighbors dog barking... Last month I was going out to feed the Turkeys and one was laying down in the ravine. It stood up and it was huge. Like a German Shepard. Tall and thick. These coywolves are something else. It stood up and ran a ways.... Stopped and watched me. I turned back toward the house and it just took off into the woods. So now when I go out in the woods I carry my .380 just in case. I would only shoot if my life depended on it... But I sure feel safer!

Few nights ago I heard two long screams... I think we have a female mountain lion looking for a mate...
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