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We remember this picture, this plant was over the 200grs in dry
Yes sir she was I grew three I still have some in a mason jar I pull it out on special occasions like when some thinks they have powerful weed I say really try this.
With all the talented breeder's out there why should I buy from Heavyweight . Do you ship to Canada .
Thanks for dropping by today . :toke:
Thanks for the question. You should choose the Heavyweight Seeds only if you are after big yields or high income of resin. This is our main target: trichomes. When we do the breeding process we literally COUNT the trichomes per areas. Only the ones with the biggest amount of those trichomes are chosen to stay on our seedbank.
We dont ship to Canada, but we have online shops there, also others that are worldwide shipping, so is you want to get our seeds, you will get them!
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