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Ughh..Okay Happy Monday...Who dont like free!! I got this as a sample by contacting the company. It took about a week to get here but this was 100% free,i didn't pay any shipping or anything..shoot em an email if ya wanna give it a try... Hey @Ripper i thought these guys were coming on??!View attachment 697864
@Son of Hobbes had them on deck hope they do.
Good Morning A.F.N. ers
I am now convinced that I'am doomed as an autoflower grower . :shrug: After my fiasco with Stone's gear I decided I would germ. some Fastbuds seeds that I had received free . Into the papertowel they went and all germinated as expected . I decided to be extra cautious and placed them in some rapid rooters which I had sterilized in the micro wave and allowed to cool in some cold water .So far so good :nono: I had placed the soil in the garage to dry as suggested from my previous grow which I had used for the autoportal grow . I felt confident that the soil was okay as 3 of the plants ( males ) had in fact established 8 " tape roots .Back to the fastbuds . I took the * germinated seeds placed them in the rapid rooter with a little micorrhizae and planted then in 5 litre containers with the aformentioned soil mix added a little water turned the lights on waited . Well lets cut to the chase . They never made it !! Not one . they got level with the top of the soil and crapped . Only one got to the point of shedding her helmut the rest never even made it even that far. Needless to say I am pissed . I have 4 more Mephisto and 4 more Fastseeds germinating as we speak if these don't make it I'm done , I'm getting too frustrated to carry on . :toke:

Is the grow in the garage?
Concrete floor?
Is it cold where you are or are you in a sunny warm place?
What is your soil mix?
Have you ever tried coco it is a great medium.

I love horticultural sponges Rooit! Rapid rooter etc.
I keep mine at 24C for germination by using a thermostatic controller and put the heat probe in to a spare rapid rooter.
All this is linked to a heated propagator tray which warms the rapid rooters to my desired temp of 14C.
Then all the centers of the rapid rooters are at optimnal tem for germination with 100% success rate (I live in a draughty high ceilinged house so it is hard to keep them at the ideal temp otherwise)
Then I pot them up and keep them on the heated propagator tray ( I have different sized heated trays some small A4 sized ones and some A3 sized ones) which is still thermostatically heated.
Keeping the root zone allows the roots to develope, they don't like to have a chill.
Concrete floor are notorious for sucking up heat and making the root zone cold.
Placing pots and trays on a sheet of polystyrene will insulate the bottoms of the pots from cold floors, if you also have cold air temps that to will slow growth.
I'm writing this just in case these may be problems you might be experiencing.
Other wise just ignore it lol!
@Son of Hobbes had them on deck hope they do.
A while back I found a store that stocked Mammoth P in the UK and now I can't find it.
The postage rates from the US when ordering from Ebay is around £55 ($68.50).
Mammoth P isn't cheap and that added postage make it a really costly buy.
I love the results I have seen online when people use it but I just wish there was some place in the UK to buy it!
Goooood morning AFN!!!!

Thinking about buying a farm. Small town life, big time change, but maybe one that could be good. Gotta do something soon and just can't stomach the idea of the corporate grind again.

Life...what a ride.

Buying a farm is a way better alternative than buying the farm..
Recently I germ'ed some Fruit Autos by Dinafem.
One of the seedling put out it's cotyledons and then two single blade leaves, nothing unusual there.
Then it just split as in it topped it's self.
On closer inspection I saw the reason, the main stem/stalk had had some weird genetic wobble and had stopped growing.
So the plant just put out the side branches and two tops was created.
I have had other plants top them selves but and a much later date.
I have managed to get a picture for you so you can see what happened.
close up of anomally.png

So there it is what used to be the main stem/stalk now just looking like a small thin stalk with a ball on top.
Just to clear any confusion, it is not a male flower.

This pic is a bit further out so you can get a better idea of how big it is.
Recently I germ'ed some Fruit Autos by Dinafem.
One of the seedling put out it's cotyledons and then two single blade leaves, nothing unusual there.
Then it just split as in it topped it's self.
On closer inspection I saw the reason, the main stem/stalk had had some weird genetic wobble and had stopped growing.
So the plant just put out the side branches and two tops was created.
I have had other plants top them selves but and a much later date.
I have managed to get a picture for you so you can see what happened.
View attachment 697963
So there it is what used to be the main stem/stalk now just looking like a small thin stalk with a ball on top.
Just to clear any confusion, it is not a male flower.
View attachment 697964
This pic is a bit further out so you can get a better idea of how big it is.
That's cool, I love it when plants take things into their own hands..

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