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By the way, I actually have the Tesla Three battery in the photo. I'd suggest getting two batteries and one Cloupor. Get maybe a Two and a Three? That way, you always have a charged battery. [emoji121] [emoji6] [emoji106]

You should also get a box of extra coils, it should last you like a year. And you don't want to find yourself without a coil...


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OK I was all ready to order and the I saw Drb posted about the airistech viva. Which one should I get?

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
OK I was all ready to order and the I saw Drb posted about the airistech viva. Which one should I get?

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
The Viva, I believe, is discontinued...but of you can find it, it's a true vaporizer. The Cloupor does have some combustion. Although I have to say that I keep going back to my Cloupor...

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
The Viva, I believe, is discontinued...but of you can find it, it's a true vaporizer. The Cloupor does have some combustion. Although I have to say that I keep going back to my Cloupor...

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I found them for $52 or $58 with a ceramic chamber upgrade. I assume I want to spend the extra $6?

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
OK I was all ready to order and the I saw Drb posted about the airistech viva. Which one should I get?

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
Realy depends on how you intend to use it Dm . Do you want to be able to walk around the park with it in your pocket or do you want to use it while at home. I have a Black Widow ( not before mentioned ) that I like as a portable and I have a Solo for home use .Love them both . Viva is a good choice as well for portability .
Hey Mo
yes I tried the air but I was moving so fast looking for the ultimate vap I never gave it much of a trial . Of all the vapes I've tried I some how always coming back to the Solo. Now I have the press and I love the dabs so my Solo will be my reserve for dry herb that is unless i figure out how to get the right temp settings with my Mr.Bald + Joytech mod . I'm such a flacky old bastard I'm never satisfied . :shrug:
Me too! Got a Mr. Bald sitting here, already on a Tesla battery, just waiting for me to figure out how to make some dab... [emoji16] [emoji108]

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