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Many congrats @IceWater421 she's a fab looking plant! Glad she yielded well for you too.

Morning everyone! Grocery shopping to do today, whoopee. I've just updated my thread too if anyone wants to go look.

They're doing garden maintenance here today, noisy bar stewards - trimming hedges, mowing the grass with some monster machine... I'm going out to get away from the racket!

@Rebel do I need to have documented a Sweet Seeds complete grow in that specific section, or can it just be anywhere on here? If it's anywhere, please can I have my badge? My Sweet Special Auto came down a couple of weeks ago and the mystery girl is in the process of coming down. All pics are in my thread. Cheers bro!

No worries Elle!! You did it.. Regardless of where. :d5:

I got ya!
They're doing garden maintenance here today, noisy bar stewards - trimming hedges, mowing the grass with some monster machine... I'm going out to get away from the racket!

Tell 'em next time to bring the Kitten Klipper instead of the Terrifirminator!!! :smoking:

So a festivus prize arrived. Ever gracious to get what I did! For all who voted in the Avatar comp :smokeout:

Thanks to @Magic for getting the prize here to @ North of west. I received my Black Jack prize pack 10 kracken (sourcrack x stone dragon f3/f4 fems? ) also 5 Big league chew. Seeds all look A grade, packaging is premium collectable top shelf for sure.



So a festivus prize arrived. Ever gracious to get what I did! For all who voted in the Avatar comp :smokeout:

Thanks to @Magic for getting the prize here to @North of west. I received my Black Jack prize pack 10 kracken (sourcrack x stone dragon f3/f4 fems? ) also 5 Big league chew. Seeds all look A grade, packaging is premium collectable top shelf for sure.



View attachment 696077

Woohoo!! Congrats on the win bud!!
Yes, you do! Did you read @Dr. Babnik talking about vaping vs. joint earlier today? He's blown away! [emoji2] [emoji106]

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@Dmrides220, try it!
The Airistec Viva is excellent and has a nice price - you will like it. I used the Viva all day yesterday. I vapped 3 full chambers and total consumed weed was equal to 3/5 of a joint. I think the full Viva contains 1/5 joint. The effect was equal to 4 regular joints. Pretty amazing.

And not to forget the aromas! The terpens come out, undamaged from burning, much the same as when dabbing oil. My problem with dabs is the water. I drown.
i been havin a lil look at you play about with temps/settings much.or more or less one size fits all kinda thing ?
Try the Airistech Viva.
I have always been sceptic to vaporizers, but @witchyhour is a missionary and gifted me a Viva.
It is nicely priced, so if you hate it - but you will love it - you won't waste that many silver eagles.

I'll tag you in some posts.
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Good morning folks!

I have to say I love my vape. Have not tried to use the oil jars yet, but to vape weed, is amazing. Easy to set temp, and to change them.
Is discrete enough for public use, like smoking a phone.
Ceramic bowl and all glass mouth piece. They are a bit expensive but worth the cost IMO


A 4 strain grow. Second try.
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