i went out for a walk round the block.back of the house stinks.on way back in smell met me at front door.its a kinda weed smell but much sweeter sickly thicker,really hangs in the air.
i dont know what the shelf life is like on ph calibrating fluid.but if someday you pour some out and its clear not a kinda greeny or bluey like it was before,then its more than likely gone off.
sorry edit...contamination and user error could be at fault.
Wow, sounds like some line up Muddy.
Looks like you are in good shape.
I'm still hanging around. Still trying to learn something new every day and put it to good use.
Those are all favorites that I was either out of or running low on. Photos alone don't give me the variety I like, so it was time to grow some more autos. I'll probably start another run in a week or so. An old member here, Sparky, can't grow any more and gifted me all her seeds. So I've got some new things to try.
No, hadn't hear that one. Thanks, it sounds pretty good. I haven't bought any new music in years. Between my collection and Sirius/XM I'm got plenty to listen to.
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