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Last few places left on the [HASHTAG]#dinafemgrowbattle[/HASHTAG] ..if anyone fancies a shot at it..:headbang:

Winner gets a [HASHTAG]#cannazone seed test team[/HASHTAG] try out..

We Need the Top 10% of All of our growers on the [HASHTAG]#cannazone seed test team[/HASHTAG] by the end of 2017.

[HASHTAG]#dinafemgrowbattle[/HASHTAG] is one of the first selection points of the year..:headbang:..

Sounds fun, I am not quite ready. By the end of the year though, I will be.
Afternoon all ....

@1939bear damn that sux.... i have no personal exp .... this is my only reference to kiney stone :

looks painful

I've just spent my afternoon making ½ oz of very nice bubblehash with @Dr. Babnik

pics in his tread

after testing i need a nap ...

Cu peeps later tonight

Jumpin on the @mephisto train with sour crack!
Is that a fanfare I can hear???

This right here is the FIRST bud I have ever grown in my life! [emoji3]

In fact it's the first thing I've ever grown.

Don't laugh, I can't trim any more leaves or there won't be anything left! Lol. It's too early but I couldn't wait [emoji3]


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