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I'm thinking to limit N this season, see if yield improves
I'm doing the same. I didn't even realize my cal/mag had more N in it than my base nutes. Some of my plants ended up jacked up on N because I didn't pay attention. I won't be pushing my current ones very hard.

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howdy Slowmo :pass:


Toofless Alien :


good evening afn ! heres some high octane drumcoding to clear the ears :thumbsup:

At last! I didn't want to come out from my cover too soon as it seems to be a bit "rocky" around here, but someone else likes the metronomic sounds! [emoji3]

I'd post some links to my mixes but that would be incriminating as I'm in an unfriendly and smelly country lol.

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Good Evening [HASHTAG]#afnstoners[/HASHTAG] :hookah: sharing one...

@Eclectic Elle check your mails girl..:bighug:

Yeah @trailanimal Mother Natures evil trick coz she knows with a view like that you would have to Look..Instant blindness..:coffee:

They are great coz you get multiple bees..and the don't fly around as much as small flowers where they have to keep moving.
One of my most fave photos was a bee in a pollen frenzy and it had so much pollen on it it looked like a lions mane.
Get the multi headed dwarf sunflowers...they are hardy as hell and don't need staked...Auto-Sunflowers..:headbang:

Mine Too...

View attachment 691515

No bees today though..bitter cold wind...

View attachment 691526

Damn @Slowmo have suffered from Premature could have used this in the [HASHTAG]#FastbudsGrowBattle[/HASHTAG]..entries starting 1st-7th Feb..against my [HASHTAG]#auto warriorsDream[/HASHTAG]Team ..

Do you have another [HASHTAG]#Fastbuds[/HASHTAG] seed to compete..?
I can smell the rosemary.

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