Not open for further replies. Ohhhh would ya look at the pair on this guy! who does he think he is anyway!?
:thumbsup: nice to have a memory.

A west coast buddy of mine played Mermen all the time. Hard to forget. I'm still trying to remember another surf band was my fave. Oh well, memory is crap here too.
Good Morning [HASHTAG]#afnstoners[/HASHTAG] :bighug:..sharing one.

How is everyone doing..?

We have some wild and destructive weather patterns being reported by various members in the staffroom...if you are Suffering..Stay Safe..:hookah:..:karmacloud:

Got a Staff Announcement for you..:yay1:..CONGRATULATIONS to

@krug @Hansbricks @stepside @Discretepete2676 @budelee @Root @Eekman @namvet25 @912GreenSkell @Dudeski @dankstyle J @Renaissance Redneck @Anthropolis

Who have all been Promoted to Global Mod Rank.

Thank You all for the Hours of your time you spend Helping make [HASHTAG]#AFN[/HASHTAG] a better place to be in..:bravo: :cheersmate: :bday1:
That's what I'm talking about, I'd go see guys like that and Mermen in a small joint over and over. Beach Boys maybe once.after they made it.

I love the B.Boys, but they were heavily managed and produced. When Brian Wilson
was left alone to do his thing, they really shined. The best BB album by far was "Pet Sounds" it was actually revolutionary. It was credited as an influence to Beatles, Zappa, and Stones.
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