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Damn it now you know the secret to the 1lb auto plants, its electricity I just shock the shit out of them and they grow huge lmao!!! Nah those are my solar batteries that are hooked up to my solar panels and the inverter to run my water pumps when I get everything totally up and running.

But I had to do something about the babies that were in the baby cannanursery some of them were starting to get hungry. Also the ones outside are basically double the size of the ones that were in the closet, so with that being said. I now have a solution that works while I continue to work on the heating situation. I think I have got a pretty good plan. Last night I rigged up my tarp and then laid foam on the backside of it a couple panels deep. That effectively cuts the size of the space I have to heat in half and gives me the insulation I need to keep the heat in. I messed with the air flow a little and have got the cO2 ppms and heat relationship pretty accurate so I have been able to set my fan speed controller to about 81 or so(I am going to try and get that up tonight, now that I have all 3 of my lights going that should help quite a bit as well) and it recycles about every 3-4 minutes keeping the ppms within a 200 or so ppm range and dead on with the temp. Now I am going to get a cO2 controller and an extraction fan for the bottom so that it vents the cO2 first and not the heated air but that is about a week away or so. I am high on good sativa daaaaaaaaaaaabs so I am rambletyping lol
last sentance answers me question
@Dr. Babnik so i drop it real quick here since it seems ok. Just didnt get it to work right know..sry
@trailanimal it was so robust that i even pollinatet it with some nycdiesel and autohaze cbd got around 70-80 seeds just did little buds the weed itself tastes like chocolate/roastet coffe and is just clear relaxing and a little brain stimulating in some way, but not compareable to commercial weed. i like it indeed
oooo just noticed a badge from @trailanimal
@Rebel if you would honour me, can I get a "Photon Wranglers - the sun is my grow light" badge. To see if I would qualify I will post this pic. I can supply 1 or 2(hundred) more pics if needed. :D

2014 outdoor - 4 plants in pic
View attachment 657490
you need to do one of those coffee/tea/smoke table books, you know for couchloc cruising
@Lactoseluke - wow 350grams for 3 plants is a fantastic haul!! First grow, congrats! Very well done!

@trailanimal - absolutely gorgeous scenery pal. Love the beauty of the savage lands.

@Dr. Babnik - excellent...we are having a bubble hash simulsmoke! (homemade bubble here) Id post pics but I have posted a few lately and don't want to hit the overkill switch! :D

@derek420colorado - he mentions about frankenstein's laboratory, and what do we see in the background? 3 friggin' car batteries that are rigged in series!! "Arise My Beauties, ARISE!!!!" :D :D
I will order more of it and keep it as a weekend treat.
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