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Hey 9Bear, I saw your question about light veg and bloom difference. I didn't see the answer but can tell you on my Mars Hydro reflector, it is best to run it with both switches on all the time because the fan only runs with the veg switch on so bloom alone has no cooling without it. In veg, although the bloom wavelengths are optimum for flower, they also benefit the veg stage so it is recommended to leave them both on. I do and have no complaints with the growing or the power bill.
Hey 9Bear, I saw your question about light veg and bloom difference. I didn't see the answer but can tell you on my Mars Hydro reflector, it is best to run it with both switches on all the time because the fan only runs with the veg switch on so bloom alone has no cooling without it. In veg, although the bloom wavelengths are optimum for flower, they also benefit the veg stage so it is recommended to leave them both on. I do and have no complaints with the growing or the power bill
Hey 9Bear, I saw your question about light veg and bloom difference. I didn't see the answer but can tell you on my Mars Hydro reflector, it is best to run it with both switches on all the time because the fan only runs with the veg switch on so bloom alone has no cooling without it. In veg, although the bloom wavelengths are optimum for flower, they also benefit the veg stage so it is recommended to leave them both on. I do and have no complaints with the growing or the power bill.

On mine I have veg , bloom , full spectrum and custom which I avoid like the plauge. You need an engineering degree to turn it on . I have fan on all stages . In veg low fan , the rest are all high .Indirectly I think you just answer my question to Ripper Just leave the unit on full spectrum and you got it all covered . I think . :shrug:
I seeing it as a waste of money so far. three tries, and they all tasted horrible. Every new fangled BS way to smoke weed has disappointed me without fail now for 30 years. I only have hope left for one more, and it's the vaporizer juice that I will be making in a couple weeks. If it tastes right, and gets me high, we will have a winner. I don't like dabs either, pain the arse to use it, requires tons of equipment, and tastes not so great.

In the mean-time I will be smoking the old fashioned way, in a glass pipe.
I am with you I keep trying all the new ways that come along and honestly none in my opinion beat the glass pipe.
Agreed. Hey man, whereabouts in the UK are you? I'm abroad at present but from the South East.

Waxi, @Eyeoftheworld wanted to know what she'd got. And when you've told everyone, is there any chance of telling the rest of us? I don't mind not knowing who got what, but what there was gifted out! 'Cause I'm nosy and all that...

I'm grand thanks, but... AJ I never get to see your pictures. There's always just a blank space usually with a greyed out no entry sign, if you know what I mean. Do you put them up and then take them down again soon after?
Sometime I copy and paste them from my photo album and it works and everyone can see them it seems to not be working lately. So I will go back to attaching them.

I've just finished ::


218g without any stems ... 7.7 oz ... i had predicted 7oz so 0.7 i bonus :smoking::thumbsup::woohoo1::drool::woohoo::frog:
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