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Whats up @hippy71 im glad theres at least 1 person who has gained something from anything ive done. That makes it all worth. It.

The people here did that we me and i love passing it to others. Im always around p.m me if you ever need anything. The way i interpreted your above post to read the he is know as autobeast here it seems you have spent some time under the dictatorship of another forum lol..... free yourself here brother. You are allowed to have oppinions and express yourself anyhow you want as long as it is not offensive... lol you can even give honest reviews and them not be deleted hahahah. Welcome to AFN my friend
Sorry to quote myself but I'm a student at the moment and feel I have to reference two sources because I definitely wouldn't have got this far without shameless plagiarism basically!

A gentleman who I believe is known as @autobeast on here? You can definitely top autos mate lol, even before you get your glasses and you can't see f*ck all!! :) lols. You the man and I can't tell you how much of your stuff I've read!

And @A-Train for shamelessly and without his knowledge soaking up lots of growing advice and tips. Ta very much bud.

So a combination of blind luck and ripping off two very knowledgeable fellas :)

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we call it sharing, not ripping off, lol
Whats up @hippy71 im glad theres at least 1 person who has gained something from anything ive done. That makes it all worth. It.

The people here did that we me and i love passing it to others. Im always around p.m me if you ever need anything. The way i interpreted your above post to read the he is know as autobeast here it seems you have spent some time under the dictatorship of another forum lol..... free yourself here brother. You are allowed to have oppinions and express yourself anyhow you want as long as it is not offensive... lol you can even give honest reviews and them not be deleted hahahah. Welcome to AFN my friend


Thanks dude honoured to talk :)

Yep I lurked and stalked you on a different place lol. I like it here :) no offence meant to anyone or any place at all genuinely :)

Man I have gained at least half of what I know from you. Reading all your journals, posts etc. Using your feeding schedules has landed me around 2 or 3 weeks away from tasting my first ever self grown nug! GSC :) and several more strains as well :)

Now run number 2 - Mephisto and cobs :)

Thanks again man and thanks for the advice knowledge and offer of support :)

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