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I can take credit for this one
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Well that depends, you definitely need to have more than one because they interact a lot differently with each other than our other 2 cats. One like to steal straws out of drinks and knock over glasses of water and the other one likes to jump off of the bedroom door onto my chest in the middle of the night. But they are far more social with people than any other cats I have seen. If we have a party you won't see the other 2 but these guys will be right in the middle of it. Oh and food has to be kept locked up or they will find a way into it. They are also known to steal entire steaks and chicken breasts lol.

Yes I was aware they're "different" and you can't/don't dare have one by itself. They certainly sound like characters! Mine is a sociable boy, he'll make friends with anyone that comes to the house. I would class him as more of an opportunist than a thief though LOL.

Thanks for sharing them with us!
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