I need to go through your grow thread, girl power and all that
Kitty training has gone really well, thanks for asking! He now has 4 meals a day at 07:15, 12:00, 17:00 and 22:00 and doesn't scratch at the door any more - except for this morning because he had to be woken up to eat at 10 last night and barely had anything so by 5 this morning he was ravenous. The first night he scratched at the door and we ignored him. The second night, he did it a bit and we ignored him, then he knocked everything off our bedside tables LOL. I was lucky my glasses didn't break. Since then, he's doing really well. It makes SUCH a difference to how much sleep I get! I do get a cat in the face most nights, but it's for company or because he's chilly, so he just settles down on my pillow. Love him to bits!
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