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Talking of binary here's a joke for ya's

Why do programmers always mix up Halloween and Christmas?

Because Oct 31 = Dec 25.:crying::crying::crying::crying::crying:

Well ok that's not binary but it is a coder joke. Here's the same joke but in binary lmao.

01000010 01100101 01100011 01100001 01110101 01110011 01100101 00100000 01001111 01100011 01110100 00100000 00110011 00110001 00100000 00111101 00100000 01000100 01100101 01100011 00100000 00110010 00110101 00101110
:crying::crying::crying::crying::crying: Gets me every time!
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Hey Rebel :bighug::pass:
Well I've had the MRI and CT scan & a panendoscopy on my vocal chords and they all came back clear!
I was supposed to have y operation on 2nd of NOV but they ditched that at the last minute and did a biopsy instead.
Bloody hurt and was done under general anesthetic, then ran a fever for 5 days and couldn't eat, even plain water hurt and that with taking codine.
The results of the biopsy should be back soon and I'll then find out if it is benign or at worst the big C.
So I firmly keeping y finger crossed it isn't any thing serious and I can just get on with life as normal after I have healed from the operation.
They will take out a whole lot more from both side of my throat when they do cut it out and It is gonna hurt even ore after than the biopsy so I will have a few weeks of not eating much and pretty uncomfortable pain in my throat.
As long as the test come back clear I'll be back rocking and rolling in no time and will be able to get back to things as normal, which includes starting my Light, seed and foliar spray tests!
I been seriously missing you guys but a lot has been going on and I've had family around a lot and the last week has been really uncomfortable but I've been feeling a lot better toady!
F-ing C.
Here's to benign, Brother!:bighug::karmacloud:
arty, get ready for the good karma guns! gonna be lots of fingers and toes crossed
Cheers brother means a lot !! I also really believe in the power of thought being able to make a difference!
I feel a bit like Jack in the Shining and you're the bartender :D or budtender in this case. I'm really relaxed after superb Bubba. But I'm out of XL papers so joints are tiny and I feel i need 2 more. I'm planning on chilling and listen to some tunes are the budtender, you've always been the budtender.
Dude... Shut it off... Its just binary code sent out to dumb you down... Cleanse your Pineal Gland and forget the bullshit distractions...

Don't get me started!

Praise the lord and pass the ammunition!
I always watch the news. Most of the time it is entertaining to me. I wonder why they aren't showing the protests that are happening right now. I think the media is stupid. The media twists and turns people words so they can sell them. They're not in the business of being 100% honest and reporting news correctly, they just wanna sell the news now days and don't really care if it's 100% truth or not. I unlike some people can watch the news and form my own opinion on the situation, where as other people hear things and run with it.
I feel a bit like Jack in the Shining and you're the bartender :D or budtender in this case. I'm really relaxed after superb Bubba. But I'm out of XL papers so joints are tiny and I feel i need 2 more. I'm planning on chilling and listen to some tunes
chilling I'd go for og, but right now, looking at -10f chores, I'll go for 2 scoops of the lemon haze
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