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Below 24F things start to freeze up. You can't bury your water lines, cause there's not much soil just roots. Hydro is a little "Harris" turbine. 100' 4" ,200' 3" water line. Puts out 20-24 amps@12volts round the clock!
Below 24F things start to freeze up. You can't bury your water lines, cause there's not much soil just roots. Hydro is a little "Harris" turbine. 100' 4" ,200' 3" water line. Puts out 20-24 amps@12volts round the clock!
holy shit!, that's a lot of juice 24/7. I'm looking in the mirror to see how green with E I am
holy shit!, that's a lot of juice 24/7. I'm looking in the mirror to see how green with E I am
Oh heck yeah, it saves a lot on fuel! That's about the only reason I hate to hear about the predicted cold weather coming. Your weather supposed to be squirting out of the passes next few days...hoping for warm noist maritime air:-) coming from the other way:-) Nothing much for the solar panels either right now.
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