son of soil
we needed thatSome purps. View attachment 656685
we needed thatSome purps. View attachment 656685
I didn't hear recreational but I did just read they are cutting our limit of 12 down to 6. This has a huge affect on auto growers like myself. Since autos flower sooner then photos so I'll have to space them out further so I don't exceed the 6 flowering. Kick in the rear after spending 15k in building a 12&12room perfect for autos"California, Massachusetts, Maine, and Nevada all Legalise Cannabis for both Medical and Recreational use overnight..join us in Live Stoner to Celebrate..Smoke Cannabis Live with Friends on AFN"
I thought talk about politics was forbidden here?
Under the "likely to offend" category? No offense meant s.o.h. I read the terms, point taken though. I do know there are many astute "stoners" who might have been thinking the same, but it won't happen again. Kinda like a pub, no politics or religion?
It most certainly is politics of course I'm just picking a fight here but it is indeed politics. If I had said vote trump to legalize cannabis (which he is for by the way) then i would have gotten bitched at is my point.
And I know I'm picking a fight I can't win, so I'll just shut up now.
Edit: Also it'd be nice to see how the fellow members of the forums feel about the election results. I believe the majority of us here would be able to discuss it without getting into an arguement. But whatever, rules are rules.
Good looking out @Jraven! Ive read a grow journal of yours a while back. Your day room set up is killer looking. Awesome that you fish for a living as well. Another Salt o' the Earth kind of guy.
So what is the gossip skinny here? Obviously politics is out. No prob. Sorry if my insinuations of Cali going rec was inappropriate. Ill leave it at that. So whats growin-on then?
Aye, and that's simply the reason. We have some brilliant people on here and I'm sure it'd be fun to go back and forth, but we know how heated that back and forth quickly gets (anyone on F-book can attest to that I'm sure lol.) That's why we've taken the stance on it. There's usually a pretty easy distinction between seeing what's cannabis related or not (or when people purposely start testing the boundaries of what's acceptable or not, that usually ends up being squashed pretty quick too.)
Troon, we do allow some discussion of cannabis related news topics and things like that; we even have a forum setup for cannabis news items here. We like to think we can take things of THAT nature case-by-case, and generally it's people just talking about the actual articles and laws, not flying their political freak flag. And if they do, it will likely be edited/moderated as per our rules. Have to be honest bud, hasn't been an issue here in a long time.
We do have the rules in place for a reason (remember we've been doing this for years,) so while I appreciate your suggestion, we won't be changing our ruling on political discussion any time soon.
Appreciate your understanding on it fellas and I hope this explanation clears things up.
Aye, and that's simply the reason. We have some brilliant people on here and I'm sure it'd be fun to go back and forth, but we know how heated that back and forth quickly gets (anyone on F-book can attest to that I'm sure lol.) That's why we've taken the stance on it. There's usually a pretty easy distinction between seeing what's cannabis related or not (or when people purposely start testing the boundaries of what's acceptable or not, that usually ends up being squashed pretty quick too.)
Troon, we do allow some discussion of cannabis related news topics and things like that; we even have a forum setup for cannabis news items here. We like to think we can take things of THAT nature case-by-case, and generally it's people just talking about the actual articles and laws, not flying their political freak flag. And if they do, it will likely be edited/moderated as per our rules. Have to be honest bud, hasn't been an issue here in a long time.
We do have the rules in place for a reason (remember we've been doing this for years,) so while I appreciate your suggestion, we won't be changing our ruling on political discussion any time soon.
Appreciate your understanding on it fellas and I hope this explanation clears things up.