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And on that note I would like to announce.....

After various mix ups and being confused with islandgrower I am no longer Island Grower, I am Eclectic Elle. Sorry to start everyone's year with a big change like that, but I'll answer to EE (not the phone network obvs.) or even just Elle.

Now where are those piggy pictures, ah yes... @Renaissance Redneck @Mossy (ps thanks for changing me over)

After cooking:
View attachment 680664

Before eating:
View attachment 680665

What's left for later/tomorrow:

View attachment 680667

And why did it take me 4 hours to post these pics? Full belly, half a bottle of wine, not enough sleep = crashed out after lunch LOL.

Happy New Year all.
Welllllll that was confusing! :smoking:

Happy New Year!!!
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