Evening stoners!
Well, I blame
@Mossy yes I does. I went out to do my shopping and there, in Hiperdino, they had chuleton de añojo at 10 euros a kg. 10 euros! That's rib of beef, for those that don't speak Spanish. SO I BOUGHT A BIG PIECE! It's 2.6kg and is in my oven right now. It's all Mossy's fault, yes, yes it is. Seriously. If you hadn't gone on about yours hon and shown me the pics I'd never have plucked up the courage to ask questions about it with my small amount of Spanish. It's one rib wide, but... ok photo to follow when it's finished cooking, which will be in about 20 minutes!
So yes, I too blew the budget, I spent over 100 euros between Dino and Mercadona but I don't care!
*Edit to add - it's just taken 10 minutes to post this message because my internet is being bad - no Santa this year for it!